Even if it costs me my life. 

Throwing away the shards,  I look out the kitchen window I see a bird at the window sill, staring down at me. It's head was twitching back and forth, observing me like I was the bird in a cage. 

I swallowed, feeling the bile rise in my throat as tears formed in my eyes. Looking away from the bird I got out a mop and bucket, going over the sink to fill it with water and soap. Staring at my wavy reflection in the water, it just looked back at me with dead eyes. But the water was so wavy I could barely even tell it was me. 

Was it even me? 

I can't tell. 

I didn't even realize the bucket was overflowing, and because it was covering the drain of the sink it started to overflow the sink too. 

"Oh crap!" I whispered, turning off the sink and rushing to get a towel, but the sudden movement made my head go dizzy and I slipped, smacking my head right onto the tile. 

It sounded like an egg smashing into a table. 

Luckily my head isn't an egg, but it is part of my body and it hurt and burned like the depths of h-e-double hockey sticks. 

"A-are you alright?" A quiet voice came from nowhere, and I look to a doorway where all I see nothing but emptiness.

No one has ever spoken to me like that: quiet, nicely, no hatred whatsoever. 

I didn't say anything, instead I stared into the dark doorway, seeing no one and hearing nothing else. 

Must have been my imagination. 

Getting up slowly I held myself steady on the wall, seeing the walls spin around and wave around like some acid drug trip. I stumbled forward, my legs walking in a zig zag, brushing against each other and twisting around each other like they were trying to become a pretzel.

If someone saw me now, you'd think I had a little too many drinks. 

I almost pitied myself then, almost. 

Sometimes I felt that I deserved it, for not living up to anyone's expectations. 


Sometimes I thought I should just end it.

No one really needs me, no one liked me, no one even knew who I was. 

I was just a pathetic girl who wasn't even wanted by her birth parents. I was abandoned, and even when I was little I was aware that my own mother did not want me. She'd rather take her life than trying to love me, or even think of me. 

Everynight, when I was alone, I would look at the moon through the sliver of window I had. I would wonder, "Why?" The moon goddess had abandoned me. Or at least I thought she did, forgetting one of her own children to be in a life of torture and self-loathing.

If only I can go back and tell her that everything will be okay.


There is always hope, help, and love for everyone. 

It was last year, junior year of highschool, on Valentine's Day. 

One of my best friends, an underclassmen who was one of the funniest and nerdiest person I knew. He and I would goof off in our class, sing songs poorly together instead of working, talk about video games and memes, and take hundreds of photos together on SnapChat. 

He was always so happy, and like many other teenagers and myself, would make a lot of jokes about death.

They were all just jokes. 

But on that Valentine's Day, he wasn't at school. 

I texted him, SnapChated him, and asked our other friends where he was. 

It was at the end of the day when I learned he took his own life the previous night.

I don't mean for this to be a sad story, and I already had my time to grieve, but I want this to be a message for everyone out there. There is always another way. 

Life is too precious to be thrown away, and I cannot speak on his behalf to describe any dark thoughts he had, I can only give my own side of the story. 

I should've been there for him more, but I, like many others, was blindsided by his smiles and his incredible humor. 

So what I would like to say is treasure yourself, treasure your loved ones, and treasure life.

I attended his memorial, hearing stories of his family life and the fond memories everyone who loved him told. There were laughs, tears, and a collective love for him. 

I still think of him everyday, with less tears now. 

And I'd admit, I have dark thoughts of I am better off gone. 

But I always think of my friends, my teachers, my family. 

One of my friends even told me, "I don't know what I would do without you." 

So don't ever think you are worthless. 


There is always hope. 

Love you all, 


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