I just wanna say sorry

Start from the beginning

No, nothing happened it's just that I don't wanna stay anymore over here I want to come back to you guys I really miss you
She said while holding her tears

Yeah , bye dad see you soon!
She said and cut the call

She got ready and went to the college as she want to take her transfer certificate

In the mean time Manik also got ready and reached college

Manik ? What are you doing here Sid asked , you all good I was about to come to your house , I thought tu rest kar raha hoga

Did you saw Nandini? Manik asked refusing all his question

What ? Are you still drunk? You again started that chapter
Sid asked

Sid please! I just want to say sorry to her that's it
Manik said while looking around college in search of her

And you think , it would be easy after what you did yesterday at her house
Sid asked

I don't know , I just want to talk to her . Manik said and went in search of her

Manik! Sid called out his name by running behind him

Manik straight away went to her class where the teacher was teaching

Yes ? What you want? The teacher asked Manik

Nandini! He called out and looked around at all the student but couldn't find her

Where is Nandini? He asked chandini who was sitting in the class

I don't know , she said fearfully

What? You are her friend and you don't know ? Manik shouted on her loudly which scared everyone in the classroom

I saw her in the dean office
One of the students said

As soon he heard that he quickly ran to the dean office

He directly went inside
But no one was there

He came out all worried

Manik! Where the hell are you running man
Sid complained him as he was following him all this while

Hey ! Nandini was here , he asked the peon sitting over there

Who Nandini? The peon replied

Dam, where is the dean? He asked

He is on campus round , the peon replied

Manik went in search of the dean
And soon spot him

Dean! He called out

Oh mr president ! The dean was amazed to see him

Sir, I want to ask you something
Manik asked

Yeah! The dean told

Where is Nandini ? You meet her
He asked

Ohh, Nandini Rajput. The dean told

Yes sir , you know where is she , she was with you ?
He asked further

Yah! She came to me for granting her the permission of transfer certificate
The dean told

Transfer certificate? Manik asked in shock

Yes, she is going back to her home town , the dean answered
And she just left few minutes back she might be at the exit now

Without saying anything further Manik quickly ran to the exit door
Where he say Nandini was siting in auto

Nandini, he called out her name loudly
But she couldn't listen as the auto start to move away

Manik ran behind her auto but soon he realised he can't chase her like that so he quickly want to the parking and sat in his car and started chasing Nandini

Soon he reached near her and overtake her auto and stopped his car in front of the auto

The auto driver suddenly applied the break

Bhaiya ! Nandini shouted due to sudden jerk and then she saw Manik coming out of the car

Nandini listen to me , Manik said coming near to her

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