The more i see , the more i fall

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Nandini opens the door and she got  surprised to see Manik outside his house !

Manik ! Tum ? She couldn't complete further as she noticed the blood dripping from his face .

What happened Manik ? You face! Omg how did it happen, dam is bleeding , you fine ?she  started asking the question one by one .

Hold on ! Nandini, relax . It's just minor wound don't worry, actually I came here to return back your phone you left it in the car .
Manik said

Are you mad? You are bleeding and you find it important to return my phone first , man you are impossible. And why are you standing outside come in sit . she said

And he came and sat on the sofa !

Is it hurting ? She asked looking at his wound

No , nothing it's  just a small cut
Manik replied causally

Oh wait , have some water first . She said and handed him the glass
Dam! How all this happened to you ? when you left you were fine then suddenly all of this ,tell me ? She asked without giving him chance to answer

Wait ! I think you need to drink water first , and he handed her the glass back ,take it  .he said

And Nandini drank the water

Better? Manik asked

You got hurt not me so ,why are you asking me this , in fact I should ask you this . Nandini replied

No , you got more panic than me , that's why I asked you , you are fine ? He asked

Yah ! Now you tell me how all this happened, oh god how stupid am I , I should give you a first aid first then ask these things later . Wait I'll get the box
Nandini told and left

Manik saw the glass of water lying on the table from which Nandini drank a lil amount of water. He picked up that glass and drank the remaining amount.

Soon Nandini retuned with the box

Now, you sit  quiet and let me do the first aid . She said
And then poured some medicine in the cotton and applied on Manik's forehead .
As she put the cotton Manik ached in pain .

Sorry sorry, is it  burning ?
She asked

Manik looked at her face and nodded in a no !

Wait ! Nandini said and came close to his face and start to blow air from her mouth over his wound .

Manik pov

As soon as she came close to my face my heart started beating faster and faster, the she started blowing air over my wound and I didn't knew where my pain vanished .when I look at her face, her those beautiful eyes , puffed cheeks,and those pink lips, I start to loose my control.  I was totally lost in her , I wanted to hold her tight and kiss her but soon my trance got broken by her voice .

Manik ! Nandini yelled , where are you lost ? I am asking is it still burning? She asked

No , no Its fine now!
Manik replied

It's done she said , as she bandage him

Thanks, he replied

Friends don't say thanks! Someone told me yesterday. She said

Yah ! Sorry . Manik said with a cute face

Now tell me how did this happen?
She asked

Actually cabir and Yuvraj went into a fight with some other gang and got beaten up . then Sid and  me went there to rescue them and then we all ended up like this .
Manik replied

Ohh! Typical brotherhood, Nandini said

Friendship! Manik replied

Oh ! You must be hungry, wait I'll get you something. Nandini said and went towards her kitchen

Don't trouble yourself Nandini, I am fine ! Manik said
What trouble, can't I cook something for you ? She asked

You can  , but  ! Manik said smiling

No ifs no buts , just relax and let me cook . She said and start chopping the vegetables!

Manik just took a chair and sat in front of her. Looking at her

Manik poverb

She was cooking for me and I was busy looking at her ,the way
Her hairs strands were coming on her face was making her more beautiful. Then she tied all her hairs in a bun and continued again to cook ,she was talking all this while to me , but I couldn't hear anything as I was busy observing her , I didn't notice her so well earlier but today she looked different, so beautiful that was beyond expressing. she wore a white tank top and gym shorts , her legs well toned . The more I look at her the more I was falling for her , I want the time to stop cause I can spend my entire life seeing her like this , she keeps talking and I sometimes listing and sometimes not listening to her .

How things can be changed? I questioned myself as few days back I don't even think I could love someone but today I am standing in front of that person for whome I can do anything . In just few days she became my everything, and with each passing second my love for her keeps on increasing!
Before I could think further, she spoke.
Poverb ended

Soup is ready , Nandini said

Yeah , Manik exclaimed and start to have it

It's so tasty, Manik said

Thanks! She replied

The chit chat till his soup got over

Then Manik phone rang !

He picked it up ,

Hello mom! Ya I am good . He said pressing the corner of his lip where  he got the cut .

No  ,I am at my friends house , ya I had dinner! Take care bye
He said and ended the call

Your mother? She asked

Yeah ! Actually my family is out for some function I am alone here so , she called to enquire about me !
He told

Ohh , no one is at your home today? Nandini asked

No, he answered

Then you should stay here only for tonight, Nandini said

Manik was shocked for a second

I mean to say it's already late , now you won't get a taxi to go back and in fact your are not well  so you can sleep here overnight, Nandini told

I can't trouble you more! I'll mange somehow, Manik said

No, you are sleeping here ! And that's final. Nandini told

Jackpot! Manik told to himself

What ? She asked

Nothing, ok fine if you are insisting then I'll sleep here for today!
Manik replied

Good , I'll arrange your bed . She said

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