Chapter 5

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At the arive to sun city, I heard a rustle in the bushes and smoke in the air, I had to move fast, I pointed the camel in the direction of the smoke, I ordered the civilised people to " move somewhere safe", they told me " darling you'll get yourself killed, your way to young to be doing this job" I spoke back in a deep voice " danger I laugh at the site of danger hee hee" I headed toward the center of the city , Bandits came from the allies and ambushed me, with a few blows I was on the floor bleeding out. I look up glancing around, I see them in the distance running of with my camel, smirking an evil smile, I needed a new ride. The whiff of smoke crackle my senses, ,tickled my nose and itched my eyes, I knew a trap was not far behind. I whiffed the air one last time,The smoke was gone something else was in the air. It tasted familiar from when I was just a tod, my uncle escorted everyone out of the village because of that horrible smell. We made a new place to call home but uncle can't help them if that happens again. "Nonanal" was in the air, a toxic chemical that lead to death or in the other case driving them crazy, it was eventually killing people in sun city and poisoning the air, it's leading everyone here to death, now I need to find where it's coming from, I look up to the mountains there was a small line of nonanal leading up to the mountain, I couldn't see the line but it was enough to smell at least, my prediction is that mountains has something to do with this .I headed to the mountains passing many starving lions. There was a small group of thugs on the mountain holding captive to my trusty camal, they were the ones setting off the gas. I punched them in the face and contained the gas, by plugging the leak. I rescued my camal and sold him to a merchant. Sun city was infested with bugs and I was the exterminator, I was ready for what's out there, I went through the streets with houses that have been boarded up, many eyes stared at me through the boards, ignoring them I turned into an alleyway, that was hidden from plain sight, many thieves were talking there. I sneaked up on them and slam them on the ground asking for answers ,finding what I was looking for I left, and hunted by prey, taking them of my back, one by one.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2019 ⏰

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