Chapter twenty-two

Start from the beginning

"I know it's just hard. I was selfish."

"No, you weren't. Don't you dare think that? You were going through so much at the time. You've been through a lot in a short amount of time."

"Harper is right. You just have to take things slow."

"Thank you I don't know what I would do without you guys."

(Blake's pov)

I watched as Caitlyn interacted with everyone. Seeing her I was worried that today would go a lot different. With everything going on we decided to have the party as small as we could. Spending the day with Layla was a huge deal for me. Since this morning I have not let her leave my side.

"Hey buddy, how is the birthday girl?" Mom came over smiling at us.

"She's having the time of her life. I can't believe she's one already."

"It goes by so fast. Some times I cant believe I'm a grandma. How are you holding up?"

"I'm not going to lie it's been rough. Watching her go through all the pain just kills me. Her sisters stayed the night last night and I think that helped her a little bit."

"You know I've been through the same thing. If either of you need anything don't be afraid to come to talk to me."

"Thanks, mom I appreciate it." I looked up as Caitlyn made her way over to us.


"Hi, baby girl are you ready for some cake." Layla reached for her so I let her go to her momma. I wrapped my arm around them bringing them to the table. She got Layla ready, taking her shirt off so she doesn't get it dirty.

Tears filled my eyes as everyone started to sing happy birthday. I walked over kissing her cheek making her look at me.

"Happy birthday princess, daddy loves you." I turned and blew out the candle with Caitlyn next to me. Layla played with her cake while I pulled Caitlyn into my arms.

"She's so beautiful." I cried.

"Yes, she is. We made that beautiful girl." She smiled reaching up wiping my tears away.

"I love you."

"I love you." I leaned down kissing her forehead holding her close. I know today is extremely hard for her but she is holding it together well.

(Caitlyn's pov)

"Hey, have you seen Blake?" I asked Dex as he walked over to me. Harley was right by Layla's side since she's been here. Riley has been caught up with Kinsley talking.

"No, I was just about to ask you where he was." I frowned looking around for him. I walked into the house finding the door to our room was shut.

"Blake, babe are you in there?" I asked nervously. I heard a noise letting me know he was there.

"Can you open the door, so I know you're okay please." Dex walked over with Dominic and Jay following him.


"I'm fine, I just need a minute."

"We got this. Go ahead and head back out there."

"Everything okay?" Kinsley asked as I walked back outside.

"I don't know, he locked himself in our room."

(Blake's pov)

After everyone had left I found my girls curled up in the tub. It hurts my heart thinking I almost never had this. I walked into the bathroom sitting down on the floor next to them. Layla was splashing in the water while Caitlyn was trying to wash her hair.

"I can't believe she's not asleep."

"She's fighting it, but I think after this she should be out."

"Hi princess, did you have fun today?" she smiled looking up to me trying to hand me the bubbles in her hand.

"How are you feeling momma?"

"Tired but okay. I couldn't have done today without you though."

"Well, you did amazing."

"Let's get this little girl out and into bed."

"Come here baby girl." I grabbed a towel pulling her into my arms. She curled against my chest as I carried her to her room. She fussed as I got her ready for bed but calmed down once I laid her down.

"Happy birthday. Love you so much." Caitlyn came in wrapping her arms around my waist.

"I hope you had a good birthday. Love you," she whispered, resting her head against my chest. We stood there a little longer watching her sleep before heading back to our room.

"Do you remember when you told me about your parents getting married?" I nodded pulling her closer as she climbed onto the bed.


"I think we should do that."

"Do you realize how big your family is. Your sisters would kill us."

"I know but I want to be married to you already. I think it should be just the three of us and our parents."

"I like that idea."

"Love you."

"Love you too." I smiled leaning down kissing her. Finally, I can call this girl my wife.

"Blake, what happened earlier?" I sighed pulling away bracing my self against the counter.

"It just was a lot and I needed a minute. I'm sorry for just walking off."

"You needed a minute it's okay. There were a lot of people here and it was overwhelming. Half of the time I just wanted to curl up and cry."

"We did it for Layla."

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