Chapter 17

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Lev’s fingers stroked lazily through Tay’s hair, her head resting on his shoulder as they watched the harbor through the rain rolling down his windshield.  His parents were due back any time now and he’d followed Tay to the harbor so she could bring the Escalade.

He’d agreed to stay to help them unload their stuff back into the car and once Tay had parked the oversized SUV she’d crawled into the cab with him.  He couldn’t say he hadn’t taken the opportunity to steal a kiss or two. . . .or ten, but largely they held each other in comfortable silence, listening to the rain patter against his truck.

His mind had been at war with his heart for the past two days and he knew she noticed his distraction.  So far, she hadn’t pushed him or forced him to spill what was on his mind, but if he didn’t get over it, she would.  He loved her.  He loved the way she believed in him and encouraged him and tried to convince him he’d been created for something good by a loving God.  He loved the way she touched him and held him and took care of him even when he didn’t expect it or ask.  He loved the way she made him a better person just by being near him.  He couldn’t imagine his life without her.

But he couldn’t shake the feeling that while Tay had done so many positive things for him, he hadn’t done the same for her.  What did he have to offer?  He could never quite believe or understand why she’d chosen him over Alex.  Those doubts had been amplified on Thursday to the point they wouldn’t leave him alone.  

He knew if he told her she’d brush it all off; that she wouldn’t let herself see anything but the good in him.  She’d refuse to consider that no matter how much she loved him, he may not be what was best for her. 

He loved her with a ferocity that drove him to do anything to protect her.  Now he wondered if that didn’t mean protecting her from himself.  It would kill him to walk away from her and he knew it would break her too. 

But she had her faith, her God.  She’d put herself back together from far worse heartache.  She’d get over him too.

She sat forward suddenly, her hair sliding through his fingers so quickly it gave him chills.  “That’s them,” she announced, pointing to a boat coming into the harbor.

Lev peered through the rain drops, watching as the captain maneuvered the yacht into shallower water and eventually into a slip.  A sigh escaped at the thought of seeing his father and Jody again.  He hadn’t missed them. 

Tay looked back at him, the understanding in her eyes making his heart ache.  She knew him now, all of him, even the worst of him, and yet she still loved him.  She sat back, taking his face in her hands, giving him a small smile.

“You’re here for me and the girls.  Just think of it that way.”

Then she leaned in to kiss him and despite his doubts, he closed his eyes and kissed her back, unable to resist the way it felt to touch her.  When she started to pull away he grabbed her by the arms, keeping her close.  “Couldn’t we just stay here and do this?”

She grinned.  “That sounds deliciously enticing.  However, we’re in a rather public place and I don’t think it’s a show your sisters need to see.”

Lev let his amusement tug at his lips as he responded, “They’ve gotta learn some time.”

Tay rolled her eyes and pulled away from him.  “And now is not the time.  Come on, grab your umbrella and let’s get this over with.”

Lev heaved another dramatic sigh as she handed him an umbrella but she ignored him.  Instead she slid back to the passenger door, swinging it open before hopping out umbrella first.  Lev followed suit, meeting her at the front of the truck to walk down to the docks together.

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