Chapter 12

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Lev crested the dunes and skirted the pool fence, wanting to check the driveway before going inside.  He smiled as he rounded the house and saw the Escalade had returned.  That meant Tay was finally home.  He’d spent the day setting up a surprise for her on the beach and he wanted to take her out to see it before the sun set.

She’d been on site with his Dad the past two days, hashing out details for reno designs and contracts with the realty companies.  The only times he’d seen her were at breakfast and after dinner.  He was thankful she hadn’t kicked him out of her room; at least he got to sleep next to her at night.

He jogged up the front stairs to the main entrance and let himself in, making a beeline for Tay’s room.  Her door hung open and she stood barefoot in front of the sliding doors, fiddling with the knot of hair perched on top of her head.  It looked to Lev like she was trying to let it down but getting it hopelessly tangled in the process.

He grinned and slipped quietly into the room to stand behind her.  He took her hands in his, saying, “Let me help before we have to cut all your hair off.”

She jumped and glanced over her shoulder.  “You scared me!  I never heard you coming.”

“That’s because you were too busy turning your hair into a rat’s nest.”

She let go of his hands, acquiescing to his administrations.  “I can’t help it.  It was too hot today to let it down, and between the wind and the salt and the sweaty job sites, it just sort of happens.”

She held still while Lev worked to untangle the hairband, which turned out not to be as bad as he first thought.  Finally free, he let her hair fall and she immediately ran her hands through it, shaking it out and rubbing at her scalp.  She turned to give him a smile.  “Thank you.”

“Welcome.  Feel free to offer payment for my time and effort.”

She cocked an eyebrow at him, letting her hands drop to her hips.  “Payment, huh?  I’m afraid to ask.”

Lev shrugged, tossing her hairband onto the dresser.  “You’re smart.  I’m sure you’ll come up with something.”

She studied him a moment before offering, “How about some kisses?  It’s all I got.”

He grinned.  “My favorite kind of currency.”

She rolled her eyes but couldn’t stop a smile as she stepped forward, rising on tiptoe to kiss his cheek.  Then she stepped back, brushing her hands together, saying, “There you go, paid in full.  Now what?”

Lev scowled at her and shook his head.  “I don’t think so Miss Thomas.”

She squealed when he grabbed her by the waist and hoisted her up to sit on the dresser.  It made her the perfect height for kissing.  Lev stepped between her legs, wrapping them around himself, and then plunged his hands into her hair, drawing her lips to his.

She didn’t resist, her mouth opening under his, and he kissed her fervently, thoroughly, deeply until her hands wrapped around his arms and she was gasping for breath.  Then he pulled away, trailing kisses across her jawline and down her neck to her collarbone.

He heard her stifle a moan and smiled against her skin, glad to know he had the same effect on her that she had on him.  His body never failed to respond to her and the longer he was with her, the more his walls around intimacy and sex crumbled.  He’d never wanted to get that close to someone, but he wanted it with Tay.

Her hands slid from his arms to his face and she gently pulled him away so she could look into his eyes.  The desire he saw there mirrored his own and sent heat coursing through his body.  He felt drunk on her touch, never before wanting a girl the way he wanted Tay.

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