Chapter 4

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"Y/N, why are so quiet?" 

My mind was snapped back to the young girl who was seated beside me. I reopened the book that had fallen shut. "I'm sorry, where were we?" Scrambling, I attempted to save the fact that I was caught day dreaming. 

I had taken it upon myself to treat the little girl with tenderness and kindness. The world had been harsh to her and me, both young, both curious. Sometimes too curious. Lucy's siblings were playing in the yard, as Mrs. Macready had shooed us from the house. 

My mind was continually plagued with the realities of what I had seen.  A forest in the wardrobe. A forest. 

The images flicked past faster than I could comprehend, and then they were gone. My mind whirled with the unknown. The thoughts that drifted through my head were enough to paralyze my fragile brain. Who would believe me? I had tried to tell Uncle and he had merely pish poshed me and put me on medication. Said it was not proper for young ladies to be tramping about in the forest with unsavory young men. The thing is, I could not remember if there was a young man or not. I did not believe there was one, but once again, Uncle Diggory was much smarter then me. I should just accept that I had hit my head. Or something along those lines. Wind whipped around my head, and some tendrils of hair escaped my loose bun.

"Y/N?" Lucy looked up and me. "Are you okay? You've gone pale." Her worried face tipped up to meet my y/c eyes.

Snapping out of my haze, I looked around. "I-i-i'm fine." Stuttering and stumbling, I rose from where we were seated, only to catch the gaze of Peter. 

His blue eyes searched my own. The world seemed to slow, as I reeled in his gaze. His gentle probing felt natural. A special balm that was placed on a wound. I could not help but simmer in it for a moment. Melting into his weathered expression.  A hand yanked my gaze from his as Lucy tugged on my arm. 


Just then Edmund swung, and we heard a crash. 

"Oh Ed..." Susan whispered. 

We all ran into the home and looked for the source of the crash. Staring down at the broken armor, and then the broken window, Peter looked over at Edmund. "Now you've done it Ed."

"Oh dear." I whispered. "We need to go." I could hear Mrs. Macready coming. 

As the others picked up on the footsteps, we fled the scene of the 'crime'. I ran as fast as I could to the room. The only chance we had to escape was if we hid in the closet. Opening the door slowly, I stuck my head in. The wardrobe stood tall and proud, and I looked behind me.

"Follow me." I nodded into the room, "come on."

Peter searched my gaze. My eyes begged him to follow my lead. "Listen to her. Go now!"

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