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Once I'm at the door I unlock it and open it slowly. I'm surprised at what I see.


"Hey catnip"

"Why are you here?"

"I'm here to see you."

Should I let him in? I think about it for awhile and decide to let him in. It's the least I can do since he's helped me survive all these years.

"You wanna come in?"


We make are way to the coach and I ask him the question I've been longing to ask.

"What happened in district two?"

"I didn't like it there. Nothings better than being here with you."

Where did that come from? I'm still mad for what he did to prim.

"Gale in still really upset."

"I know but I'm willing to make it up to you. Prim would want us to be friends."

"She would wouldn't she?"

I look at him and his eyes are sparkling. They're really beautiful. What's gotten into me? I like peeta...right?

"You want something to eat?"


He follows me into the kitchen and seats himself at the table. I look in the fridge and grab some chicken I decide I'll cook. I put them in the oven and walk over to gale.

"The chicken will be done in an hour and a half."


After a moment of silence gale speaks up.

"So how have you been katnip?"

"Well nothings the same around here. Except the woods, that's where I spend all my free time."

"I wondered how the woods look. I thought maybe since we're allowed there it would be different."

"Nope it's all the same."

"Maybe we could go back there together some time. Hunt a little."

"Yeah that would be great."

We have small talk for about 10 minutes when the buzzer rings. We sit in silence while we eat dinner. All of a sudden I get this question in my head I need to ask.


"Yes katnip?"

"You said before when you came back...it was for me?"

"Well yeah...I've missed you and well...I wanted to tell you something."


"Before I say anything...are you and bread boy a thing?"


Wow I can't believe I said it like that. I must sound horrible.

"You aren't!!!" Gale says with an overly excited look on his face.

"Well no...he's actually in the Capitol right now."

What am I saying I thought I liked peeta. Then again he left me for two weeks while he's in the capitol. So I really shouldn't care for him. He also kissed me right before he left, no explanation or anything. I don't like him at all!!!

"He won't be back for another week."

"A week huh?"

"Yeah, but I don't care we're not a thing anyways."

"That's good."

"Wow you really don't like him huh?"

"We'll it's not hate but I don't like him as a friend, it's more of what's the word??? Well actually yeah I hate him."

"Haha you are so jealous!!"

I give gale a nice playful nudge. He then gives me the "don't make a joke of my jealousy" look. I suddenly feel bad.

"I'm sorry gale, I didn't mean it like that."

"Katniss...don't be sorry. It's not like you've chosen him yet. Right?"

Have I chosen peeta? I guess not, I've just been so confused about him. Maybe I should give gale a chance. No. He's just gotten back from district two. If he really likes me he will be my friend first.

"Gale. I haven't chosen anyone. I don't want to be with anyone right now. All I want is friend to care for me right now."

"We'll that will be a start for us then. Friends... But I'm not giving up on you katnip. Not until you say the words " I love you peeta". Which I really doubt you'll ever say."

"You go ahead and try. It will be a long time for me to take an interest in guys."

Man did that sound like an obvious lie cause it was. I've already taken interest in peeta...or did anyways. Gales gotten out of his seat and is walking upstairs.

"Gale? Where are you going?"

"To the guest room."


"Friends let friends stay at their place when the friend has nowhere else to go."

"We'll played gale, well played."

"Learned from the best." He then motions his hand towards me, and leaves with a real smile. I haven't seen that in a long time.

I really feel like me and gale have a brother and sister connection again. For the first time in days I've been happy and not thinking about peeta. For the first time in months I feel a warm feeling in me, that I never want to go away. I hope gale never leaves again.

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