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It's been 4 days since peeta has left. I've been keeping myself busy with hunting in the woods. I've even managed to bake some bread, it's not the award wining bread peeta makes but..... This happens a lot. I say peeta and I start to miss him. When I was in the woods I was about to shoot a deer and then I saw it eating a primrose. I thought of when peeta planted them in front of my house. I got lost in thought when...oh yeah did I mention I was hidden in a tree when I spotted the deer. I fell out of the tree and head first in some mud. Peeta is literally killing me. First he ignores me for about a month, then he asks me questions about the hunger games, and then he kisses me and leaves....FOR TWO WEEKS!!!!

I think I've thought about him for two hours now. I decide to get out of bed and get to work. Once I'm dressed and go to the kitchen I think about breakfast. Something other than peeta for once. I sit at the table eating some eggs, deciding what I want to do today. I could go to the woods? I've been there too much this week. The hob? No. A walk? Maybe. I don't know what to do. I stare at a piece of bread for what feels like hours tell it hits me. I'll go down to the bakery!

Once I think of it I'm out the door and on my way. I ignore the comments by people passing by saying "That's the mockingjay!" or "There's the girl on fire", and "The hero". How dare they call me a hero. I didn't save anybody. Not even the people I cared about. All I did was pull out some stupid berries so me and peeta wouldn't have to kill each other. Oh no peeta. Damn it! I quickly shake off the thought of peeta when I reach the bakery. Wow it really looks different. I feel like just yesterday peeta was throwing me that burnt piece of bread and saved my life.

I open the door and am completely amazed. It looks incredible. There's golden chairs with white sparkling tables, and the floor is a white sparkling granite type stones. The countertops are the Sam type of granite with gold specks in them. Then under you can see all of peetas specialty cakes. They are also amazing. One of them catches my eye, it's a...wait it is...a primrose! It's beautiful then there's a my mockingjay pin, the beach from the quarter quell, and the next is a pearl like the one peeta gave me, there's also a locket, also like the one peeta gave me then the next one puts me in shock. The cave we hid in in the 74th hunger games. Wow he remembers all this stuff, I wonder what else. As I move along I see the cake that makes me believe he remembers everything. The cake is simple white with a couple of sayings like "Together? Together." and "She came here with me" also "Here to finish me off sweetheart?" and the last is "She'll pick whoever she can't live without." In the middle of the sayings I see a burnt piece of bread. I gasp at it and for once I know he remembers he loves me. After that I run out of the bakery and straight to my house into my bed and scream with joy like a little high schooler finding out her crush likes her. Luckily nobody was at the bakery cause peeta isn't there to be in charge of it, or everyone would've seen why I was screaming in the bakery.

Now I know how I feel about the boy with the bread. I don't need anything, or anybody but him. Why does he have to be at the capitol. Then all of a sudden the doorbell rings. Who's that?

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