Chapter 4

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The two acquaintances walked into the Inn and looked around.

"Hey Shoto!"
A tall black haired male strolled over with a wide smile.

"Hi Touya"
Todoroki waved as he placed a hand on Yaoyorozu's shoulder, who was cowering in fear.
"Are you alright Yaoyorozu? You look terrified"

"W-what? Oh y-yes of course I-I'm fine"
She assured him with a smile.

"If you're not I could bring you back to the tower and you can give me my satchel back"
He began to guide her to the exit.
"Then you can go back to-"

That was when the front door was slammed inches away from Shoto's face. Yaoyorozu jumped out of her skin.

The young lady that slammed the door showed Todoroki a sheet of paper with a picture of a man that looked similar to Todoroki under the picture it had the words WANTED writen in bold.

"This you?"
She asked giggling slightly.

Shoto moved her fingers that were covering the drawings hair and noticed it was all red
"Dam...why can they never get my hair right..."
He muttered.

"So it is you"
A boy with pale blueish hair as he placed a dagger to Shoto's throat.

"Sorry bro we gotta get the money, you're worth a. Lot of money"
Touya smirked as he held his fist in the air.

"You scumbag"
Todoroki spat.
"You're just like our old man!"
He yelled.

The black hair boy was just about to throw a punch when he was smacked.

Momo screamed as they all looked at her in complete shock.
"All I want it to go see the lanterns ONCE! Because its always been my dream to see them and HE'S the only one who can bring me there, wheres your humanity?! Haven't any of you had a dream before???"

Thank you for reading today's chapter! I will be updating every Wednesday now I have a proper balanced time table with my other stories, school and exams. I hope you guys are enjoying this so far!

-Mira signing out

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