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The next morning they woke up, Crowley felt very stiff as he had not been a snake for millennia. "Hello my dear." Said the blonde angel, as sleep laced his voice. Crowley slithered away and hissed quietly. He transformed back and stretched out, shacking his arms and legs to regain the feeling in them. "Ahh that'sss better." He hissed accidentally as his snake tongue was yet to have turned back. "You should sit with me as a snake more often." He commented dreamily. "You know what," Crowley started "maybe I will.". They sat together before Crowley said, "we need a plan..." .

About a day later it was time to put their plan into action, he was going to do as many demonic things that he could. He first, saw a young child with an ice cream. He was going to miracle it off. With a swipe of his long slender finger, the ice cream instantly fell off and the young child began to cry (wow such a demonic thing to do). He suddenly began to feel a feeling he hadn't felt in a while. He felt a pant of guilt for the child and he felt the need to do good. He couldn't stop himself, he miracles the child a new ice cream that piled above his head. The rainbow of colours and assortments am made him as happy as a child could ever be. Crowley smiled and laughed. "What was  that?!"Aziraphale asked confused. Crowley seemed to be in some sort of trans. " I have no idea?" He said confused looking down at his hands. He turned to Aziraphale and addressed him seriously "zira look, I don't think I can do this anymore I think it, changed me. I have also been meaning to tell you something." He said "what is it?" Said Aziraphale eagerly "well, I have always regretted falling, I didn't mean too! I just asked some questions and hung around with the wrong people. I have hated myself ever since the fall and I felt so evil, I hated the other demons and I didn't want to really talk to any of them. I felt disgusted at myself on a regular basis and I just hated myself so much." He said starting to tear up "and then you came along- I felt as though no one could ever love me, why would they? I'm just a useless demon. And I don't think I have been being honest to you or myself." He said honestly. Aziraphale felt on the verge of tears, he felt the damn in his mind break and salty tears streamed down his face "what is it Crowley!" He said biting back a sob. "I'm not sure I want to be a demon anymore, I never have! I just got use to the burning- I felt I needed the punishment, that I deserved it! But now, I feel like I want to start over. But don't call me Raphael." He added comedically. "Come here you Wiley serpent!" He said coming in for a hug. They locked eyes and kissed passionately in the rainy streets of London. Catching glimpses of passers watching them oddly- but they didn't care. It was as though they where at the centre of the universe. Each other's universe. They pulled away and found themselves in a completely different place. "What the?" Said Crowley dazed "where are we?" Asked Aziraphale puzzled. Once their eyes adjusted to the bright white lights they realised they where in no other place but heaven. "Oh shit." Crowley groaned while adjusting his glasses, as he saw the familiar silhouettes of the trio Gabriel, Micheal, and Uriel. "What are you doing here." He said hiding a smirk that hung on his face after the most amazing kiss. "Raphael!" He said going in for the hug. Raphael once agin raised his hands in surprise and went stiff. Aziraphale cleared his throat and they recoiled. "Ah so," said Gabriel straightening himself out. "Yes well, since you are an angel again," Crowley still flinched at this statement and Aziraphale tightened his grip around Crowley's hand as if reassuring him, "you are technically working for us now, soooo." "Wait what?!" Crowley said, his long red locks shook and tumbled around his shoulders. "No,no, it's fine. Since we have sincerely recognised our appalling behaviour in heaven, we have decided to let you two 'go off together' as Raphael said" he was really going to have to get use to that name. "As long as you do some good deeds here and there." He added smiling. Crowley was overwhelmed and all he could think to do was hug Gabriel as he had use to do as brothers thousands of years ago. Gabriel was speechless. He realised that Crowley had never fallen, he now realised how he must have felt- not fully fallen. It must have been torture. He had been forced to do bad deeds as he had no good reason to fall he still had good in him. That's like forcing an angel to murder. He felt so ashamed. That the person that they had just recently tried to dunk in holy water was deep down still the Raphael that had taught him to create stars and had always been there for him. He was so glad to have him back...
Sorry for the long wait I was doing other books lol also Imma do another chapter cause I'm not satisfied ending in Gabriel XD

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