An angel again

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Crowley woke up, sweating. "Shit." He part whispered part hissed. He had had that dream again. About him as an angel- suddenly, he looked out the window to notice that the sun was shining bright in the sky. "SHIT!" He shouted this time and he jumped out of bed, already in his clothes from the previous night, which was unusual for him. He grabbed his shoes and hopped along his corridor while trying to get one on. He was going to be late. What to you ask? To meet aziraphale of course! Who just so happened to be sat at the ritz waiting impatiently for him. "Where are you crowley?" He said out loud- he was tired of the sympathetic looks from the waiters assuming he had been stood up. Soon, the doors burst open and Crowley rushed in looking fresh out of bed- which he was. "Aziraphale!" Crowley shouted from the other side of the room. But Aziraphale just looked in shock. "Aziraphale?" He said the closer he got. "Crowley, your eyes!" The angel said worriedly. Crowley felt his face as if swatting a spider on his face "shit- my glasses I forgot my glasses!" He hissed starting to panic. " no, no, no. Crowley. Your eyes their... well, different!" Aziraphale explained confused. It was true, his eyes had returned to the warm emerald shade they had when he was formally known as Raphael. "What!!" Crowley shouted. " I think we should go." Said Aziraphale "good idea!" Said Crowley already half way out. They got in the Bentley and sped back to the book shop as it was closest. "What's happening to me?!" Crowley asked rhetorically.

After a while, it was time for bed after most of the day just lounging then panicking around the shop, with Aziraphale constantly telling him to calm down. But their was one thing that Crowley really wanted to check. But he had to wait for him to be gone. Finally, he and Aziraphale were about to part ways when Aziraphale said " um Crowley, would you care to stay at my place? I'll take the sofa!" He said secretly desperate for him to stay. Crowley couldn't say no to those eyes so he stayed. They would have shared the bed but Crowley rushed upstairs as soon as he mentioned bed. "Please don't say I'm right please don't say I'm right!" Crowley repeated in his head. What he thought and he desperately hoped wasn't right was that since that dream he had become an angel once again...

In the dead of night, Crowley sat up as quietly as he could in order to not wake Aziraphale, as he did not want him to see him like this. The reason why was because once an angel falls, they change how they look. Crowley, however, did not change much- but he did change enough to be unrecognizable as a demon. So Aziraphale did not know that the demon he had got so close to was in-fact the angel that he had gotten close to- the archangel with long red flowing hair to be exact. Not even heaven or hell knew who use to be who- to be honest, they didn't care. He sat up and listened out for Aziraphale making sure he was fast asleep. When the coast was clear he breathed in and flexed his shoulder blades to release his huge- white angelic wings?! "Shit!" Crowley said and as he turned around to inspect them closer he noticed a figure in the door way, it was Aziraphale- wait- another figure stepped out behind him, it was Gabriel! Aziraphale has stopped in his tracks and Gabriel's mouth hung open as if on hinges. "Raphael?" Whispered Gabriel "is that really you?". Crowley panicked he looked down to see he was now wearing his white angel robes and his long curled hair hung  down past his waist. He looked up at Aziraphale confused and scared. He didn't want to be an angel again! He was no good at it! Gabriel rushed towards him and embraced him, Crowley's arms remained open in shock. "You have no IDEA how much I missed you!" Gabriel said from behind Crowley as he was hugging him. "Could somebody please explain what's going on here!?" Half shouted Aziraphale. "Where's Crowley?" Crowley looked sympathetically at the angel- he definitely wasn't the brightest angel in heaven. Gabriel had a sudden realization "Crowley?" He said. The demon hung his head in shame allowing his red locks to tumble over his face. "Crowley, you didn't tell me you were Raphael before you fell!!" Cried Aziraphale shocked. "Wait, how did you two knew each other" Gabriel questioned, confused. "I could ask you the same thing!" Said Aziraphale with dignity. "He was a brother to me! He helped me create stars and we created galaxy's toghether!" Stated Gabriel as-a-matter-of-factly. "We fell in LOVE!" Shouted Aziraphale, this shut up Gabriel. All the while Crowley just sat in the middle confused and scared. "Ok let's just get this cleared up" Said Crowley breaking them up "Hello I'm Crowley nice to meet you YES I use to be Raphael and also I didn't fall , I just sauntered vaguely downwards. I was an archangel but I fell for a reason and I don't want to be an angel again so if you could just fix that it would be tickety-boo!" They just stared at each other for a while "you don't want to be an angel? But you left us?" Said Gabriel sounding broken. "Well I'm no good at being an angel why do you think I fell!". Suddenly, Gabriels phone rang. "I have to go but I will be coming back and telling the others!" He said " no don't!" Cried Crowley desperately reaching out but it was to late, as a pair of wings spread he flew away. This just left him and Aziraphale in the room alone...

Hope u guys enjoy can't wait for the next chapter love this😂😂❤️

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