Aren't Asgardians supposed to protect the nine realms?

He —

"— apparently Tony Stark was keeping him a secret in his tower." The ancient one was snapped out of her thoughts by Strange and it seemed that she hadn't heard what he was saying before that.

"Why?" She asked, but she was shocked that Loki was here. How didn't she sense his presence?

"Remember Stark's kid?" The ancient one had heard something like that before, but she couldn't remember when.

The great Tony Stark is now a father.

"The kid is Loki," Strange said. "Someone has de-aged him and his brother and the avengers thought it would be a great idea to bring him back to earth." The ancient one didn't say anything, so Strange continued —

"Kid Loki is better than adult Loki, but he needs to be taken to Asgard because the last two attacks I am sure were targeting him." 

"Maybe Asgard is not safe for him?" 

She wasn't supposed to care after what Loki had done, but —

"And Earth is safer?" Strange scowled again. 

"But why are the avengers protecting him?" It was Wong who asked the question.

"I don't know." Strange shrugged.

"Maybe he was innocent?" 

She thought of some little hope. Loki wasn't the same when he attacked Earth with his army. Maybe, just maybe he wasn't the one behind the invasion?

"I don't know why you are still defending him." Strange sighed, he couldn't understand their relationship, Loki was just — well Loki and his name only could bring chaos.

"Well, he was one of us before." The ancient one stated simply.

Yes, Strange knew they must protect each other — but this was Loki they were talking about.

"Even if we want to help him, we don't know how to return him," Strange said. 

"Is that the new sorcerer supreme?" Loki's annoying voice came into his mind, followed by his annoying laugh.

Yes, he didn't want to help him.

And why didn't Asgard with all its sorcerers didn't return him back? Why couldn't they keep the child, are they this heartless to hurt a child — even if this child is Loki?

"I guess there is something that maybe could return him to his older self." The ancient one said hesitantly. It was the first time Strange saw her hesitate at something.

Taking a deep breath. "So, we are going to bring adult Loki back?" Strange said. He didn't sign up for this — helping Loki.

"Yes." She sounded more determined and Strange knew if she put something into her mind, she was going to succeed in achieving it. "Follow me—" 

"Um, I guess I will travel to Sokovia?" Wong said before they moved from their places and Strange nodded at him —

"Yes, We must have the Witch on our side before Thanos could reach her." Strange paused and then continued before he followed the Ancient One. "As I said take B'sso and Drumm with you — she is dangerous." 


The ancient one led Strange to her — it is not that she sleeps in it, but it is a room that she keeps her belonging in. She rarely invited Strange in it.

Strange was still doubting there was something that could help Loki. Is it that the Asgardian sorcerers didn't bring him back? Or that they didn't even try? Simply wanting to get rid of him—

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