Chapter 13

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Author-chan: Sorry that I took so long to upload this chapter I have just had so much going on that I didn't have time to upload this. Please be patient and forgive me when I forget to upload. Enjoy the chapter!!


Harry's pov:

We have looked in all areas we could think of and no sign of Newt anywhere, Gellert has been unresponsive and will glare at anyone besides Draco. I hope that my grandparents hear more on where Newt is and that they will alert us, the Veela and Vampire leaders have become angry about someone removing Newt from Gellert you don't do that with anyone's mate. Severus alerted Sirius about the kidnapping of Newt and that we believe Dumbldore set up the kidnapping. I just have to wait a day or two for a letter from my grandparents.

*Timeskip 2 days later*

Harry's pov:

I have just received a letter from my grandparents, it says.


We have found out that Newt is in Hogwarts and his parents along with Molly, Ron, and Ginny are beating him. Fumbles set it up and had Ginny and Ron kidnap him.

Your grandparents 

Unbelievable, Dumbledore will pay and so will Molly, Ginny, Ron, Newts parents and anyone else that helped. Gellert will be happy to hear we have found him and he will destroy Hogwarts when he learns where he is and who did it, that is probably what my grandparents planned and I agree with the plan use any angry mate to scare everyone and to show that I mean business.

*At Hogwarts*

Harry's pov:

Draco, Gellert, the Vampire leader, Veela leader, and I have finally apparated to Hogwarts. I am teleporting my family in to Hogwarts since I can't carry more then four people with me at a time. Dumbledore will feel my wrath and the wrath of Newts mate, he will see why you don't take someone's mate from them and what they will do when it happens.

Arthur, Fred, George, Charlie, Bill and Percy said they will meet us when we get to Hogwarts to show us where Newt is being held, Sirius and Severus said they would stay behind to have all the medical equipment ready for when we bring Newt back. We have asked my grandparents to keep a eye on Newt and tells us about all of his wounds. I won't stand for anymore of these kidnapping first was Draco now Newt, Dumbledore needs to be brought down and fast. All that he has done with Voldemort and now including Lucius Malfoy, we really need to stop him. They have stepped a line that shouldn't have been crossed and now the consequences will follow, they won't get away with kidnapping Newt, beating Newt or attempted kidnapping of Draco either.

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