Chapter 5

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No ones pov:

Harry was sleeping, him and Draco finished the mating ceremony and no one could change that, draco was down stairs in the library when Harry heard a loud crash and a scream. He bolted up and ran to the library there on top of Draco was Voldemort, the Dursleys were up and had their weapons loaded Harry and the Dursleys opened fire on Voldemort. They couldn't see why Draco wasn't fighting back, when Voldemort fled they saw the special knife to stop the elves from fighting back in Draco's stomach, we immediately got the knife out and healed his wound. Harry picked Draco up and carries him bridal style to their bedroom, laying Draco down on the bed carefully Harry then placed a loaded weapon next to him so that if anyone tried to get Draco from him again he was prepared.

Harry watched Draco sleep peacefully, Harry could tell that Draco was suffering from the knife being in his stomach. Draco was breathing slightly till it got close to stopping, Harry had to shake Draco awake every now and then when it would happen. Draco was close to dieing because of that wound, Voldemort will never touch Draco again not with Harry watching for him.


Harry's pov:

Where is Draco I have looked everywhere but I can't find him my aunt, Uncle and cousin are looking for him but we have no idea where he is not even the house elves. I worry that someone got him, prehaps severus knows were he is. I wrote a letter severus should be here in 3 seconds, severus appears out of the floo network and we get down to business. "Severus do you know where Draco is we can't find him anywhere." I ask severus knowing he would know. "Voldemort said he had a new toy and that he won't be around for 3 days or less, it begins tomorrow since he has much work to finish before he can disappear for 3 days." Severus replies, " Can you get me to his manor without getting caught?" "Yes I can" "let's go." 


Harry's pov:

Severus and I apparated to the riddle manor and I get in undetected, i begin looking for Draco when I hear chains being rattled. I follow the sound and find Draco chained to the floor with ripped clothes and blood running down his face. I run to him and undo the chains and pick him up, he whimpers because of the wounds on his thighs and waist. I heal him the best I can and begin walking out careful not to be spotted by anyone. Draco has his arms wrapped around my neck and his silently sobbing into my neck, he has blood in his hair, cuts that are still bleeding and has a strangle Mark on his neck from what ever was used to try and strangle him.

Draco is in pain and I can tell that he is almost unconscious from blood loss or from not sleeping for who knows how long. I calm him enough so he can sleep, when he falls asleep I then apparate to the potter manor I replenish the wards, and carry my mate to our room so he can rest. I make sure that he is protected so Voldemort can't get to him again or anyone can get to him without my permission. I will never allow anyone near him not even the four founders of Hogwarts can stop me, they won't even try anyway I am their grandson. I send a letter to my grandparents telling them about my mate being hurt by Voldemort and how I think Dumbledore helped him get to Draco. I wait for their answers will I watch my mate sleep and comfort him when he wakes from a nightmare of being with that monster.

*3 hours later*

Harry's pov:

I have finally put my mate back to sleep from the noghtmare that he woke up from. I hear tapping on my window and see Tenebris (darkness in latin) my Grandpa Salazar's owl standing on my windowsill, I let Tenebris in and take the letter he has in his claws and give him a treat.


We believe that you are right about Dumbledore helping Voldemort, we have been sneaking around and heard Fumbl-- I mean Dumbles talking to ask you like to call him Voldy Shorts. We have decided to come visit in the minutes after Tenebris comes back. We will help heal Draco the best we can.

Your Grandparents

I send Tenebris on his way and go to wait for my grandparents, I swear that if I see Voldemort near my mate again or takes him I will destroy him and Dumbledore. Draco wakes and has tears in his eyes, I comfort him and he asks if my grandparents know that Voldemort had him. I answer with a yes and say they are coming to visit in a minute or two. I pick Draco up and carry him to the kitchen, i know he cant walk juat yet with the wounds on his thighs and waist.

Salazar pov:

We Godric, Helga, Rowena and I have finally gotten to Potter Manor, I walk in and see Draco sitting on Harry's lap eating a donut. Helga and Rowena run to Draco and check him over, we tenses for a moment and relaxes allowing Helga and Rowena to heal his wounds and do a check up on him.

"Has he told you what happened will he was with Voldemort?", I ask Harry. "No, he won't speak a word about it i think we should ask again since you are all here." Harry replies, Draco looks at us and states he will tell us.

(A/N: Draco talking about being stuck in Riddle Manor)

Voldemort had chained me to the floor not allowing me to run, he grabs a knife I know all to well. He tries to stab me but I fight back and push him back a good distance to gather anything to protect myself, I held up for 2 or 3 hours but he finally is able to plunge the knife in my stomach. He cuts my thighs and waist so if I broke free I couldn't run or walk. After 5 hours Harry walks in and breaks then chain on my leg and picks me up, I remember up to that till I passed out from blood loss.

(A/N: end of Draco speaking back to Salazar's pov:)

After hearing what happened Godric, Helga, Rowena and I start planning a way to kill Voldemort and Dumbledore, I then remember that Harry owned Hogwarts since he was related to all of us.

No one's pov:

Voldemort sat and searched for Draco Malfoy, he got Lucius out of Azkaban and needed up releasing Sirius at the same time. Sirius had ran to find his family, Lucius asked if Draco had suffered and died but he got a answer he wanted to change. Sirius had found his mate Severus and asked about Harry and if he is alright. Voldemort was planning on grabbing Severus and wanted to use him to get Harry and Draco out in the open.

A/N: sorry I haven't posted for a while had school and other things going on hope you enjoy this I will tell you that Harry owned Hogwarts and the vaults are also from Hogwarts I may do all of Draco's and Harry's vaults instead of a chapter. Bye!!!

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