Final Chapter

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Author note: This is the final chapter for this book. If you want me to write another that goes with this let me know and I will work on it. It will have jumps that will say how many years or so in the future it is.


Normal Pov:

Harry stood infront of everyone in the Wizengamot and reports with Dumbledore, Molly, Ginny, Ron, Voldemort, and the Scamanders Family tied behind him being watched by his Uncle, Aunt, Cousin, Bellatrix, Sirius. Many looked on at the Harry's family and was shocked by how angry they were, you could see them glaring at the ones bound.

"Wizengamot and reports here before us is Dumbledore, Molly, Ginny, Ron and Lord Voldemort as well as the Scamander Family they are here before you on the charges of Kidnapping, attempted murder and abuse as well as being traitors to our very people." Harry stated, Amelia Bones stood gaining the floor "We as the Wizengamot wish for evidence of these crimes." Amelia stated what everyone was thinking.

Harry nodded and looked at Severus, " Show them the memories and video please." with a nod in return the memories started to play of everyone involved as well as the victims, the video then started which caused Molly, Ron and Ginny to yell at their Father/husband and Brothers/Sons about betrayal. After seeing the video and memories the Wizengamot called for life in prison in Azkaban for Molly, Ginny, Ron and the Scamander Family while Dumbledore and Voldemort recieved death, the only thing left was finding Lucius Malfoy to send him back to Azkaban. They didn't have to worry about Voldemort returning as the Horocruxes have already been destroyed with the help of the Goblin Nation.

*Next Day*

Bellatrix stood above FumbleFuck and Moldy Shorts with her wand in hand standing near by was Harry, Grindelwald, Newt, Draco, Severus and Sirius as Petunia, Vernon and Dudley were off handling somethings in the Muggle world with the Mafia they lead.

Bellatrix started to cast spells at the two bound prisoners from light spells to the darkest of spells but never any that would kill them to early as she wanted them to suffer for all they had done to her Nephew, she had sent a message as well as Sirius to her other sister Andromeda to ask her if she heard about Narcissia's Death and her Nephews abuse. After hours of spells being thrown at the two Bellatrix then cast a beheading spell to kill both Dumbles and Moldy Shorts.

When they apparated back to the Potter Manor Bellatrix recieved a letter from her sister Andromeda,


I did hear about Narcissia's death and the abuse my nephew suffered from I had not been in England as I had taken a trip to the Asia wizarding world with my daughter and husband I have not been in contact with anyone for sometime. We will need to meet sometime and have tea together as I would like to meet Draco.


*7 years later*

Harry looked out of the window of his study to see his godfathers Sirius and Severus playing with his little boy and their little boy with Draco sitting under a tree watching them with a baby bump to show that he is 2 months along. He never thought he would have a family and a mate when he was in school but now he does and he spoils them all. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2021 ⏰

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