"Whatever. Do you think he'll give me discounts now since I know you?"

"I barely know the guy, I doubt I could get a discount."

"You knew he had a girlfriend, how does that factor into barely knowing the guy." Clark countered with a coy shrug.

"Fuck off,"

"It's alright to have a crush on the dude." He smirked, chuckling to himself when I blustered, punching his shoulder hard.

"I don't have a crush on him. God, you are such an asshole."

"And you're super defensive," he said, stepping closer to whisper the words in my ear.

"Whatever, let's just get back to campus so I can ditch your ass."

"Shut up," he laughed, stepping behind me and tucking his chin over my shoulder as we waited at the lights. "You love me, you just don't want to admit it."

"Sure, that's it. Not like you're currently holding me hostage or anything." I muttered in response, earning a butt to the chin.

"Rude. Come on Boo-Boo, I'll drop you off. I think I'm gonna get Mitchell to pick me up early, see if I can work a couple hours with him under the table to cover the cost to fix my piece of shit phone." Clark scoffed, striding onto the crosswalk even though the light blinked red. No cars were coming so I rushed to meet him, handing him my phone so he could text his brother.

"Speaking of Mitchell, Jenny's car is busted. Cool if I bring it around on, say, Saturday? After I swing by Tommo's race?"

"Look at you, little cheerleader. Really tapping into your feminine side," he chuckled before nodding. "That's fine. I probably won't be there but Mitchell will fix it up on a discount, what's the problem?"

"Side's wrecked. It's gonna be a long job so we're cool leaving it overnight." I told him and Clark nodded, typing, trusting me to navigate him away from rogue streetlights and trashcans.

"Cool, I let him know to expect you."

"Thanks, man."

"Anything for my number one." He said with a cheesy wink as he passed my phone back that I couldn't help but blush at.

Clark swiped his tongue along the seam of his mouth, chewing his lip as he mulled over something. "We should do another boys night, chill at Dovers. Romeo and I were thinking to practice there tonight, after dinner with Jessica's parents, you should come. Bring Deli Meat if he'll bring sandwiches."

"You know with how often you bring him up, one may think you had a crush on him," I said and Clark rolled his eyes.

"I wouldn't do that to you, steal your man."

"Oh my god, I'm gonna kill you," I said, lunging for him. Clark side-stepped away and we spent more time than I cared to admit play fighting before continuing on our way to school. When we reached the front gates, Clark leaned against the side railing and pulled out a pack of cigarettes.

"Really dude?" I said, aspirated at both the habit and the fact he was stupid enough to smoke outside campus.

"What? It's been a stressful day." He shrugged, attempting to light it. The lighter jammed a few times before sparking, Clark letting out a triumphant noise.

"Whatever. I'll call the shop to let you know, but I probably won't be able to swing it. Might turn in early since tomorrow's going to be a long day. I start rehearsals."

Clark rolled his eyes, hard, at that. Releasing a ring of smoke he asked, "What's this play even about?"

I flushed bright red and scratched the back of my neck, embarrassed. "It's like a twist on Snow White-"

Prince Charmings | ✔️| Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz