Chapter 1: Kidnapped

Start from the beginning

"No, I called one of his contacts. You know how this works."

I slowly inched forward standing behind a door frame while sticking my head out.

"Did you or did you not get the message to Elijah?"

I paused at the name. I have never heard it before but something about it made me stop. I shook my head and looked towards Elena. She was looking back at me. I motioned my head towards the next set of doors silently telling Elena where to go next.

"They said he got it."

"Wonderful and what?"

I was able to get to the next set of doors but Elena hasn't moved yet.

"So that's it, Trevor. He either got it or he didn't. We just have to wait."

Trevor sounded nervous like he was regretting this.

"Look, it's not too late. We can leave them here. We don't have to go through with this."

Yep. He was definitely nervous. This Elijah must be very scary if just mentioning him spooked Trevor this much.

"I'm sick of running!" The woman yelled.

Her sudden outburst scared me enough to make me jump a bit. I placed my hand above my heart and tried to calm my heartbeat down. I took a deep breath.

"Yeah? Well, running keeps us from dying."

Trevor seems annoyed at this point.

"Elijah is old school. If he accepts our deal, we're free." The woman says while looking Trevor in the eyes.

Elena was moving towards me when she stepped onto a squeaky floorboard.


The woman quickly turns toward us and stomps over.

"You two! There is nothing around her for miles. If either of you thinks you're getting out of this house, you're tragically wrong. Understand?"

Dam it. I can see the front door. We were so close to escaping.

"Who's Elijah?" Elena asked.

I didn't expect the woman to answer Elena's question but rather just knock Elena out again.

"He's your worst nightmare." The woman said while looking directly into Elena's eyes.

Perfect. A non-answer. And now that both these vampires know that we are awake our chances of escaping have dropped dramatically. I walked back to the room with the couch and chair. I went and sat down in the chair. I was leaning over pinching my forehead. Elena walks over to me.

"You okay there Ali?"

"Yeah just trying to think. We lost our best chance to escape. It is going to be hard to leave now."

"We'll figure something out."

Elena then leaves the room. I shake my head and let out a loud sigh. I walk back up the stairs and into the room where we saw Trevor talking to the woman. I noticed that there was an old piano in the room. I walk over to it and tap a key. Surprisingly the piano was still in tune. I sat down at the bench and started to play as quietly as I could. Apparently I wasn't playing as quietly as I hoped. Because I noticed that Trevor entered the room.

"You are very good at playing." He said.

"I'm sorry. I was trying to keep it as quiet as possible."

"It's alright like I said you are good at playing it."

"Thank you." After a moment I gather the courage to ask.

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