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To begin, I have had sleep paralysis since I was a child. It wasn't necessarily scary in the beginning. 

As I grew into an adult, they became more vivid. Well...I wouldn't say they became more vivid, it was more like, my mind was able to comprehend what was going on. I was also able to know what I had to do to have a sleep paralysis experience. It took a while for me to figure out why I was getting them and how to prevent them. 

My daughter was a few months old when I began to get them more frequently. My husband would go to work and I would wake up, make him breakfast and then, if my daughter wasn't awake, I would go back to sleep. 

If I ever went back to sleep, I would get sleep paralysis. 

This took maybe a year or two before I actually realized this was what would cause them to happen.

During those two years, I was terrified of going to sleep, fearing what I saw while frozen. 

It was like I was tormented by something inside the house. However, when we moved, it still happened. 

These will be detailed accounts on my experiences. 

Sleep ParalysisNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ