Chapter Two

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Our cages were thrown into the area, and I could just barely reach Zara's cage lock. I managed to get it undone, and once she was free, she was airborne. I undid my lock and scrambled over to Red's cage. In an instant, he was out too.

Red opened up his wings, and to Zara. They hit a high five. I undid Seamus's cage, and he crawled out. I pulled him up to his feet. He shook open his wings. They were pure white. Angelic.

"You're a Light Faerie." I stated only loud enough for him to hear.

He nodded and flew up. About twenty guys crept in smirking evilly. I opened upmy wings, showing them that they didn't scare me. I flew up to my friends.

Red was a Dark Faerie, and Zara was a Light Faerie. Red's wings were kind of purple, yet mostly black. Zara's were a white dappled with gray.

"Red, you're a Dark Faerie like me. Zara, you're a Light Faerie like Seamus. Just thought to let you guys know." I smiled.

Then I dove down into the group of men. They scattered, and I let out a ruthless laugh. This would be fun. So much for them being brave.

One of them morphed into a wolf and launched itself at me. My fist met its nose as its claws raked down my side. Blood oozed out of the wound. I clapped my hands around its furry ears and, it howled in pain. I grinned evilly.

What people have heard about Faeries not being fighters was a bunch of bull. We Dark Faeries love fighting. Light Faeries....Sometimes. Now that that is out of the way.

A woman tackled me, and I knew she was a vampire.

"Eat fist!" I hissed making my fist connect with her mouth.

I knocked some teeth loose, and she hissed trying to scratch me with her nails. I dodged and flung her off of me, into the tree behind me. The scientists made it look like a forest. Forget that plan. I knew the difference.

The woman fell unconscious, and I quickly stood up, swaying a bit. I had lost a lot of blood. Not to mention my other wounds being opened again.

Seamus. Watch Seamus.The Voice suggested.

My gaze found Seamus fighting with such ease and grace, I was taken aback. He never missed a punch or kick he intended his opponent to feel.

Help Zara! The Voice ordered.

I found Zara being held in a death grip by a vampire. It was about to bite her neck. I let out a fierce battle cry and launched myself at it. My fist met made contact with its stomach. All the breath it had in its lungs was forced out. He gasped in pain and also in need of air.

"Get in the air now!" I demanded wincing as the vampire kicked me in the chest.

I kicked him right abck in his chest, snapping a couple ribs in the process. Then someone hit me in the back of my spine. I growled and spun around only to stop in my tracks.

"Darren?" His name was torn from my throat.

"Yes. It's me. Surprised much?" he smirked smugly.

"Why did you turn vampire on me?" I was quiet.

"You left me! What did you expect me to do?!"

"Move on! Not turn into a freak like me!"

He was my exboyfriend. He was a skater boy.

"Being a freak isn't that bad."

"You're stupid!" I felt my make up washing off from all the sweat.

I groaned and wiped it off. The symbols trickling down the side of my face from my right eye showed. It had the sun with the moon wrapping itself around it, cutting it off. Stars fell down the side of my face hooked to a steady stream of clouds. They sometimes peeked from around it or totally overran the top of it. Leaves and flowers embroidered the inside of it. Roses were the only flowers.

"Nice tattoo. Just get it done?" he laughed.

"No! I've had it since I was born smart one! Now leave us alone!"

"No can do. I got orders to kill you and the other freaks."

"Can't let you do that."

"Be cooperative. You and I, we're meant to survive the war. Not the rest."

"Can't do that. See, these folks just aren't my type. Neither are you."

I began to raise in the air. I met Seamus, Zara, and Red in midair.

Seamus flew close enough to touch my face. He felt my tattoo, and then murmured, "You have great power Willow. Use it wisely."

"Cool tattoo! Why did you hide it?" Red was impressed. The little Dark Faerie was hurt too.

"Had too. I'm too young for a tattoo. Even though I was born with it." I grinned at him.


My thoughts were still buzzing about Darren. He turned vampire just because I left him?!

"He was distraught. He loves you a lot. He just doesn't want to realize it now." Zara smiled innocently. She could read minds too?! Just freaking great!

"He who?" Seamus inquired sharply.

"The new head vampire, Darren." she shrugged uncaring.

"He loves Willow? Oh that's precious! It's hilarious! Mr. Heartless can't love anybody!" Seamus was cracking up.

"Well he loves me! Like it or not!" I was bristling with fury.

"Why are you so angry?"

"I'm just hurt. Well it seems like you think I'm not pretty enough to be loved or have a good personality."

My blood was still oozing out of my wound. I was feeling dizzy. My heartbeat pounded in my head.

"I..." he trailed off unsure of what to say.

"Save it. I don't want to hear it." My eyes fluttered closed as the bloodloss became too much for me.

"Seamus! Grab her!" Zara screamed as I fell.

"Sight would be really helpful right now!" he growled trying to find me.

"Sorry. I forgot." Zara apologized sheepishly.

I was fading, so I didn't care much if I was killed by going splat.

"Whoa there." In a strong gust of wind I was in strong, muscular arms.

My vision had black dots swarming all over it. Yet I still saw the guy who caught me. It was Seamus.

"Thanks Seamus." I whispered before falling unconscious. Letting my soul slip away into the comforting shadows.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2010 ⏰

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