Chapter One.

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I retreat my arm back from the guy's face that was honored and lucky to receive my fist in his jaw

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I retreat my arm back from the guy's face that was honored and lucky to receive my fist in his jaw.

"Fuck." I mutter, shaking my hand, in pain. You'd think the training would soften the blow on my end, but all it does is waste my time.

"What the fuck?" The guy, short ugly stuff, screams from the floor as he places his hand on his jaw.

People were watching. People are always watching. Especially now, with a woman knocking a guy down? I can see why that's news for these clueless shits.

I kneel down until I'm right in front of the guy who's glaring at me and practically fuming. I smirk and make sure to get real close to him. Close enough that my mouth is next to his ears now.

"Next time," I whisper quietly, "make sure to bring the whole package, lying is overrated, don't you think?" I pull back and smile, a real genuine smile, as realization formed on his face. He knows why his jaw is bruising now.

I pulled myself up and turned around, and then stopped and looked at the guy again. I almost forgot. "You might wanna check your dad's store." I shrugged.

The guy stood up and opened his mouth. He's talking and screaming. But at this point, his annoying tone is completely muted out of my head as I walk with Mary and Lucas.

"Well that was entertaining, can we enjoy the night now?" Lucas said and we laughed.

"We can." I replied and just like that, they both stalked off, leaving me to text our not so beloved boss.

We don't know his real name. And it does feel foolish to call him by his fake one. So I stick to the label. Boss.

I pull out a cigarette and light it as I mention everything that went down in the text, including the part he insisted I don't forget, the store.

I don't know what's that about, and frankly, I don't want to. I know the store that got demolished most likely belongs to an innocent man.

As much as I want to have a heart, I really simply don't care. I've done my part, I'm getting the money. Who gets hurt, I don't care.

It's not like you have much of a choice anyway, the subconscious part of my brain reminds me. I sigh as I blow smoke out.

"Great skills you got." A blond man, who I noticed was watching earlier, says to me. That's the first thing I notice. His hair. It's messy and looks soft. I know straight away I wanna run my fingers through that tonight.

"Great observations you have," I reply and the guy chuckles. I'm barely glancing at him, I think I want to tease a little.

"I'm Garret." The guy pulls out his hand for me to shake and I raise my brow as I eye him up and down now, shamelessly.

I shake his hand, "I'm Karla."

"I like your name, Karla." Garret compliments me and I smile.

"I like the sound of you calling my name." I reply in my most flirtatious tone. The guy has great lips, and I need to cool off, something has got to happen.

"Just how many skills do you have, Karla?" Garret says and I bite my lips. He sounds like he just wants to get to the point, and I'm all for that.

"Depending on which department you mean." I say, throwing the remaining of the cigarette on the ground and stepping on it with my heels.

"All aspects matter." Garret replies, as his hand trails up my arm.

"Mmm," I replied, licking my lips quickly, but apparently slow enough to catch Garret's attention, "I can show you my skills."

And just like that, Garret and I end up in someone's bedroom, against the wall.

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