Chapter Five *

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Chapter Five: Bath-time Discussions

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Chapter Five: Bath-time Discussions

Your commute back home is quiet and thoughtful.

As your train departs from Musutafu and takes you into Tokyo, your mind wanders from the abstract beauty of the city to your most recent revelation. The memory of Midoriya's smiling face runs rampant in your head before his bright face is joined by that of Melissa and even Makoto. All of them kids (or in Mokoto's case, a young adult) who you'd seen grow exponentially throughout the years, except for Midoriya, of course.

Still, it's odd, you think. That in all the time that's passed since you've known Mokoto and Melissa, it had taken you only one morning with Midoriya to re-consider the possibility of having children of your own.

You and Toshinori both had dedicated so many years into taking down All-for-One, that by the time he'd finally been defeated; when you got married neither you or your husband could put your hearts into bringing a new life into the world when it seemed as though you were both finally being allowed to live your own.

But now with All-for-One gone, now with you free from a century-long commitment and now especially with Toshinori getting ready to pass on an even older Quirk; perhaps now was the time.

Bzzzz bzzzz.

Phone buzzing in your pocket, your (b/c) brows furrow as you quickly reach into your jacket, your train of thought halting as your eyes quickly skim the contents of the text.

[8:20 am] Aizawa Shota: When you supported my decision to expel my homeroom class this year, I don't recall agreeing to be your substitute fill-in as payment.

Snorting, you write a quick message to your colleague before shoving the phone back into your (f/c) jacket.

Out of all your colleagues in the Heroics department, Aizawa Shota was definitely one of the staff members that you got along with most. Unlike Yamada and even Kayama, the dark-haired Pro fell on the more respectful side of the spectrum when it came to matters relating to your relationship with Toshinori. So explaining there was family matter you to had to tend to was all it took for Aizawa to leave you be. Had it been one of the other two to substitute your homeroom, you were certain your inbox would've been flooded with messages.

Settling back into your seat once more, your train of thought circles 'round back to how you're going to bring up the topic with Toshinori before an idea strikes you.

Grinning, you gather your purse and amble to your feet, intent on getting in and leaving the shopping district before noon as your train slows to a stop.


By the time you make it home, Toshinori isn't in bed.

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