Part Ten - An Indestructable Team

Start from the beginning

"His innocents will fade" Elias says trying to make you more angry, as your blood practically boils. "NO!! Leave him out of it!!" You scream as you lunge toward Elias but he pulls out a gun and presses it up against your forehead before you could attack him. "Sit" he says sternly as you slowly sit back down on the ledge of the van breathing heavily trying to calm yourself, you press your forehead into the palm of your hands knowing what is to come, the horrifying reality practically eating away at you.

The van suddenly stops as two hydra agents open the back door Elias roughly grabbing your wrist and pulling you out. Once you are out of the van an abandoned warehouse of sorts comes into view as One of the hydra agents harshly grabs your shoulder and pulls you toward it.

Once you are inside nothing more is revealed, it is quite literally just an abandoned broken down warehouse. "Now" Elias says as the hydra agent let's go of your shoulder, "we have some business to attend to" he adds as he comes toward you and harshly punches you on the cheek as you stumble back, "the easiest way to get you prepared for phase 3 without our invention.." Elias begins to explain as he continues to punch you, blood going everywhere and bruises beginning to form on your face.

"Is to get you angry" he says as you kneel on the ground holding your bleeding face hoping to god he would stop, the anger ever so slowly rising inside of you. "I hope you realise what you did will cause you great pain" he says as he roughly pulls at your hair forcing you to look up into his devilish eyes. "Luckily you have two suits, one is unfortunately with the Avengers but the other is just over there" Elias says pointing his finger to a box with your suit in.

"Now for the magic words" he smirks as you scrunch your face at him, "NO!" You yell as you spit blood in his face. "Das" he begins to say as you feel your brain twinge, "S-STOP" You scream as you punch the ground feeling the skin sorounding your knuckles split from the force wanted so desperately to be freed from your alter ego.

"Unheil" he finishes, Your brain goes fuzzy as you feel yourself being transformed.. into the Lethal Weapon you where designed to be.

"Get into your suit, get Bucky, then destroy" he says as you nod your throbbing head in understanding.

(Bucky's POV, Avengers facility)
"How could of we let this happen" I say as I rest my head in my hands, "Tony is the tracker showing up yet?" Nat asks Tony as he furiously types random codes into the keyboard, "no" he simply replies deep in thought.

"Tony this is your fault" I say as I get out of my chair and point my finger directly into Tony's face, "it was your idea to send her to school!" I say slightly raising my voice, "well sorry I thought I was being practical" he says attitude practically pouring out of his words.

"You kn-" I begin to say but am interrupted, "it's working, the trackers working" Tony says seeming impressed with himself, "and where is she?" Steve asks as I study the screen honestly confused at what I'm looking at. "She's..that's doesn't make sense..she coming towards here" he says as I scrunch up my face in confusion.

"It isn't that easy to escape hydra how did she do-" I begin to say but stop myself as realisation hits me. "What is it Buck?" Steve questions as I shake my head shit "hells about to break loose" I reply my words scratchy and heavy as I stumble out of the room needing my own space.

I stumble my way too the training room knowing that I needed to punch something to let my anger out how could they do this to her? How could she let them do this to her? I finally reach the training room but feel an uneasy presence as I enter... like I'm being watched you idiot Bucky.

I turn my glance to a darker corner and see a figure standing there, standing confidently and silently. "Longing" She begins to say god no not the trigger words I knew she was in phase 3...she had no control.

I ran up to her and grabbed her shoulders as her cold dark eyes dug into mine "y/n stop, you don't want to do this..I know you don't..I know you're in there somewhere..please don't do this" I say confidently but her eyes stay the same..cold...dark...even a fly would fear them.

She then punches me directly in the stomach and then punched me in the face unexpectedly forcing me to stumble back.

"Rusted..seventeen" she adds as I stay kneeled down holding my head "STOP" I yell as my head flinches. "Daybreak...furnace...nine" She begins to say as my head starts to buzz knowing there's no stopping her now.

"" she says as I begin punching the ground out of sheer fear of what we are capable of as a team.

"Freight car" she finally says as my mind goes blank wanting to know nothing more than the mission. "Destruct..destroy.. kill them all..together" she explains bluntly as I nod, "Chaos" we say in unison.

"Bucky are you alright?" Yells a strange man entering the room that I swear I've met before, "y/n? Oh good Bucky you found her" says a woman who enters the room her hair a shade of red. Caroline and I share a quick glance before running toward the two people who entered the room.


Wow this chapter was a tad bit dark but oh well, it was also one of the better chapters I've written, hope you enjoyed!!

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