Chapter 6

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On the other hand, if I had water in my mouth, I would've spit it out the moment he uttered about his dead girlfriend being Harry Fucktard Style's sister. There is no way. No fucking way.

"What?!" I hadn't planned on screaming it out but oh well. At least these walls were thick, otherwise we would've been in deep

Harry and Kristen were nothing alike. Literally. "Surprised huh?" he chortled, smiling sadly. "She's nothin' like him. She's sweet, lovable, beautiful, generous. He's.. simply Harry" he rolled his eyes in annoyance at his name.

"Tell me about it" I scoffed. "That jerk deserves to be in her place"

"We all know he never will be" he copied my actions and grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans and a plain red shirt. I heard rumors to why Harry could never be executed no matter what he's done, I didn't let the people's words convince me though. The only truth is from Harry himself, or unless the lie seemed authentic. "Now change" he demanded.

I, also snatched a pair of black pants and red t-shirt I found between my clothes. The only reason we wore these colors was to avoid suspicions once we reach our destination. Of course Mr. Styles planned a way to get us in. Don't ask how because he's the supposedly "master" and you mustn't question his skills.

I applied eyeliner, shoved lipgloss in my pocket -just to look more like the WildFire pupils- and wore a pair black low cut boots I brought in case my academy boots got ruined. I slid my arms through a black leather jacket similar to my uniform, Niall did the same.

But I still can't believe that they're related. . . 

"It's like I can't tell you're from the Violet Nation" He nodded, impressed. "Can I borrow your eyeliner?" I was confused at first but then remembered that half the males there wore eyeliner. Including that notorious assface.

"We're ready to go, make sure no one sees us"

"Wait Niall, how are we gonna manage sneaking in without being seen by anyone? Our eyes are different ya know" that hasn't crossed my mind until now.

"Don't worry, Harry's got it all covered" of course he did. He's Harry after all -I'm not being sarcastic this time, when Harry gets away with something, he does it professionally and I admired that, really.

Niall slung the bag over his shoulder and locked our dorm before slipping the silver key into his pockets. "Thank The Lord there are no cameras" he mumbled with a sigh.

"That's a miracle" I joked.

The moment we were out, which escaping the building was simple because no one was wandering in the halls, we looked around to make sure the coast was clear. Thank god for the darkness, otherwise we would've been caught red handed. Of course, being careful, we glued our backs and limbs to the walls like we were a part of it and slid under the security cameras. Never thought it would be that easy.

It wasn't quite simple to jump over the high walls, but being sort of athletic and getting a little boost from Niall, I jumped high enough until my cold hands got ahold of the edge. I pushed myself up with a lot of force and watched Niall as he did a few flips until he climbed the wall. He's got longer legs than me so that did the work.

We stood over the wall, above the guards carrying M16s and a scowl on their faces. Someone's grumpy. We tip toed our way to honestly I had no idea where til Niall has stopped me.

He whispered in my ear "See that pole over there?" I nodded hesitantly. "The distance isn't far so the job'll be easy" I gave him the are-you-crazy look. He stared at me in seriousness, I gulped and took my time staring at the long, thick metal pole a meter and a half away. I could jump to it, but the problem was the noise I'd create.

"The guy is listening to music and playing a game, he won't hear suspect a thing" he pointed to the guard under us. He was right, and the guy down there was the only guard for this side of the wall so we're safe.

I can only imagine the severe punishment the guard would face once the principle found out about this.

I shut my eyes and sighed quietly, I felt Niall's hand on my shoulder, I checked my the time on my phone and bit my lip, it wasn't even close to midnight but the way was a long one. "You can do this" he whispered to me.

I was about to nod in appreciation at his encouragement but I didn't

Because I slipped.


Ooooooh shizzle! She slipped ;O comment your opinions and vote if you loved the chappy.

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