Chapter 22

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Harry has finally granted me more time to braid my hair at least because we definitely weren't dressing up to have an emo tea party in here. Must I admit, he appeared brighter and more outstanding for wearing a white tank top, although the way everyone stared wasn't out of fear or shock, but it was rather a way to make him feel acknowledged in a respectful manner. And I thought they'd show a sign of dreadness even if it was the slightest. Pretty odd, huh?

Now the weird stares had come in mine and Niall's direction, seemed like everyone knew each other and possibly a slight glimpse on their background. It had surprised me a bit to know that they didn't know Niall, perhaps that Devon guy was the only one from the Red Nation, aside of Harry and Kristen of course, that knew him.

I hoped the contacts hadn't moved around or fallen off un-noticeably, otherwise I would've gotten in deep trouble by Harry and the school's principal and owners... and R.N government.

My clammy hands had clasped the thin material of the long sleeved grey shirt as everyone had stared quietly, we have made our way to the empty table that we sat on currently. The second Harry pulled that chair for himself, everyone went back to what they were busy with. Was he honestly comfortable with all the gawking and awkward silence?

Niall cleared his throat to break the silence and ask what I wanted to eat. Despite my extreme hunger, I didn't show much importance toward the mention of food. Whereas deep down, my stomach was transforming into The Hulk whenever the pleasant aroma of fast food teased my nostrils.

I've managed to forget about the burning of my crushed ribs. Niall, being the good and loyal friend he is, borrowed Devon's Icy Hot and applied it on my busted ribs. Regardless of the fact that it only reduced a bit of the pain, I was still thankful. According to him he didn't need the cream for his ribs, he said the punt wasn't that hard plus the bruise was so faint. Nevertheless I smeared some on his minor injury.

Two days of sleep though after I've been injected with Harry's blood/some-other-shit was what I craved, just as much as I desired to not see his fucking face. On the other hand, after that unforgettable day, the solution showed no symptoms whatsoever and every time that thought would enter my mind, Harry would smirk at me. It was basically only those couple of minutes after we've taken our seats. Could be that he's merely being the everyday jerk he is, I hope.

The air in this floor was irregularly chilly. That or I was solely petrified from everything that has happened. Reminder: Don't act suspicious. I took a deep breath and pretended that I wasn't cold, in spite of the leather jacket I wore. Technically it didn't help warm me up at all, but at least it covered the bruises that were dispersed over my arms.

"Are you guys going to order or admire me?" suppose that I had water, it would've flown out of my mouth and onto the table. His ego makes him assume the most absurd thoughts that are absolutely, utterly false. I don't simply admire him. I don't admire what he's done to me, like honestly, what the fuck does he think I am?? Anyone foolish would "admire" him.

But no, it wasn't what he said that made it extremely irritatingly hilarious, it's the way he said it. Chin up high, arrogant look on his face as if he were a divine creature and everyone else on this floor was nothing but an object.

I averted my eyes to Niall who wore the same expression as I. Nothing was to be said though, there was no necessity in making a scene caused by Harry thus Niall payed no attention to him and got up to order.

"Come on Carly" I felt bad for him, he sounded so done with life.

So was I.

"Where do you think you two are going? We are going" Harry cut him off, glaring in his direction as he towered us with his height. I felt like a midget next to him.

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