÷ Asks/Dares here! ÷

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*Yes, I will use division signs for chapter name design-*

Hello! I am making ANOTHER CH book! ( owo;)/

I just wanted to set down some rules so I won't have to get down in the comments *if I even get any comments whatsoever-

Also wanted to point out I got full inspiration from carolineelkins7! Please follow them!

Alright, rules:

1 - I will not answer questions that include the following -> •Sexual(unless I want to lmao-)
•Rude to others irl(idk, wanted to include this one just in case)
•Nazism support(Why would you even do this..)
•AU questions AND or dares(I prefer just times, personally don't like talking of most AUs.)
•OCs(Please, no, just no)

2 - I will definitely not be drawing anything supporting the list above.

3 - Please be nice and have fun in this Ask or Dare! I just want to have fun and get some ideas on what to draw when I have free time lol :>

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