Chapter 1 The perfect boy

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I do not own pokemon, Nintendo, Game Freak or any companies involved with the pokemon franchise.

Light raptured across the battlefield silence fell the war was over. Even after 2700 years man had not learned that pokemon are friends not weapons. The leader of Kalos looked down to no man's land and saw fallen men and pokemon both his and the enemy's

The war was over

11 years she had lived their unaware of anything. Shut away from the world like a lion trapped in cage, unable to break free no matter how much it struggled held down by a mercilessly whip. Her father sent her to Sinnoh after losing her mother he needed to protect her but he knew his home was a death wish for a newborn.

That all changed one Autumn morning when a new boy came to town. He had arrived on a boat in Sandgem town. She had seen his car outside Professor Rowan's lab it was a stunning red Porsche not a scratch or flaw was detectable. She played little notice at that time as she was finally eligible for a pokemon. When she entered she saw him. His hair was just a few shades darker than her own and his brown eyes were almost a black. He wore a royal blue jumper made from mareep wool and blue skinny jeans and boots. He looked prepared to climb mount Cornett.

Rowan greeted her warmly as usual. By then they were both transfixed on each other his brown eyes meeting her blue owns. Rowan pulled out three pokeballs. She had already made her choice Chimchar was the pokemon she had always wanted the pokemon that help her become the champion. Her guardian didn't know and that was the issue she needed permission. When Rowan asked her she froze the boy stared at her then at Rowan then back at her. "I'm sorry we haven't been formally introduced my name's Gary" He extended his arm for a hand shake. His accent was similar to her own Sinnoh accent but you could tell it was Kanto but it sounded more formal than she would have imagined. She grabbed his hand and shook it once "Hannah"

"I'm glad we've all been introduced" Rowan said his voice was always deep so detecting things such as emotion was futile and his facial expressions were limited too due to his beard. "Bit there's still the matter of your journey Hannah" Rowan said through possibly three layers of whiskers. Hannah stared at the ground she was so close this opportunity couldn't be taken away from her now. "Rowan I could take her" Gary said.

"Gary that's very sweet of you however you're the champion of Kanto and Johto isn't that enough responsibility?"Rowan blurted.

Hannah stared at Gary in awe he was the champion?

"It's cool, it's nice to have someone to travel with ;plus I can teach her how to battle the right way." Gary said confidently.

That was that from that day forth they began their journey together. Encountering new pokemon and becoming the champion of Sinnoh. Even capturing a few legendary pokemon like arceus. Falling in love as well and learning that the family you thought you had were fake and that your real family are in Kalos.

The fire in their eyesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora