Do You Have to Jump Off a Cliff?

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A well-known passage from 'The Burning Bridge,' Chapter 5, traps Gilan to his words, and defeated, he admits to Horace and Will that in such a desperate situation one should, "Jump off the cliff. It'll be less messy that way."

The following are 100% foolproof ways to avoid jumping off the cliff, using the supplies at hand. Gilan should have on him: a longbow (with broken string), 24 arrows, Saxe knife, throwing knife, 2 strikers (can combine for throwing), thumb cuffs, Ranger cloak, Oakleaf (plus chain), linen shirt, woolen trousers, 2 soft soled boots, and coffee beans.

Alternatively, see Chapters 8 & 12 of 'The Kings of Clonmel' for better solutions when faced with being stuck on a cliff without sufficient weapons to blast through the defense, but access to a Ranger horse. Will also comes upon a similar situation in 'Purple Prose' as a callback to this conversation, distracting the axman and then disarming him using his bow, string intact. When possible, it is recommended to use Ranger-approved solutions.

The Cliff as a Weapon

Solution 1: Gilan realizes he's going to be backed onto a cliff with no way to escape, and avoids this, knowing it is not strategic. He backs the axman up against the cliff.

Solution 2: Gilan realizes despite his best efforts, he's being backed onto a cliff. He runs to the side along the cliff until he is no longer at a disadvantage. He continues running until he can hide, and succeeds from his Ranger endurance training.

Solution 3: Gilan dives off the cliff and into a river. He swims downstream.

Solution 4: Gilan climbs down the cliff. He runs away.

Solution 5: Gilan scoots down to a ledge on the cliff, pretending to jump. When the axman investigates, Gilan jumps back up and stabs him with his knives.

Solution 6: Gilan climbs down the cliff and into a cave system that leads somewhere else. He pops up far away from the fight.

Solution 7: Gilan climbs down the cliff and into a cave. He makes scary noises that echo, scaring the axman away. Then, he climbs up again.

Animal Rescues

Solution 8: Gilan has with him his Ranger horse. Blaze rears up and attacks the axman from behind when he least expects it, knocking him out. A similar move was demonstrated by Tug to protect Will in the prologue, though it is important the ax does not get near Blaze.

Solution 9: Gilan throws a knife at the axman, just barely cutting the man. A pack of wolves smell blood and come running through out of curiosity, surrounding the axman.

Solution 10: Gilan taunts the axman. The cliff is inhabited by many rabbits, and the axman trips on a rabbit hole when carelessly moving closer, allowing Gilan to get a knife thrown in a more harmful place.

Throwing Stuff at the Problem

Solution 11: Gilan takes off his boots. When the axman approaches, he throws his boots, along with his Saxe knife, throwing knife, strikers, arrows, and longbow (as a large stick). One of the hits is a critical injury.

Solution 12: Gilan takes off his boots. When the axman approaches, he throws his boots, along with his throwing knife, strikers, arrows, and longbow (as a large stick). With the distraction, he runs and hides in a bush, while yelling like he's jumped off the cliff. The axman gets near the bush to ensure Gilan is gone, and that's when he's stabbed with the Saxe knife.

Solution 13: Glian throws his strikers and knives as a distraction, then takes off his Oakleaf. The latter he also throws, aimed at the axman's eye. Using the pain as a distraction, Gilan moves in and thumb cuffs the man.

Stripping to the Essentials

Solution 14: Gilan removes his linen shirt, magically white, and ties it to his longbow. When the axman approaches, not intending to honor the truce, Gilan whacks him over the head with his longbow.

Solution 15: Gilan removes his linen shirt, actually green to blend in with the bushes, and ties it to his longbow. Then he makes an offer no one would refuse: coffee. They use Gilan's shirt as a filter once they grind up the beans, releasing their anger and finding a truce over steaming cups.

Solution 16: Gilan removes his cloak and runs at the axman, countering the ax's movement by allowing the loose folds of fabric to dull the hit. He can then safely steal the ax in the confusion.

Solution 17: Gilan removes his cloak and runs at the axman, ducking and tackling the man's legs, wrapping them in the cloak. He can then safely steal the ax in the confusion.

Solution 18: Gilan uses his longbow as a lance, charging and impaling the axman.

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