do you think of me?

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Flashback ○ November 13, 2005

Feeling extremely confident and ready to get the day started, MJ stepped foot on the campus of Villanova for her 11 o'clock class. She was looking forward to it and knew she had to keep that promise she made to her father.

"Yo, Cheeks! What's going on!? I haven't seen you in, what, a week!? You still comin' through tonight?"


"O-oh, of course! I'll slide through at 10 or 11. Don't get wild without me, Overton!" She smiled and winked at her classmate before hurrying to her Sociology class.

As she stepped towards the door, she noticed a sign on the door that read "Class is cancelled for today. We will resume our studies tomorrow." Meckenzy rolled her eyes with a sarcastic laugh and rested her head against the door before making her way to her Professor's office.

With a soft knock, she waited for him to open the door, but it never happened. "Professor Ford, have you heard from Professor Tench lately? I know he wasn't feeling too good last week." The young professor looked up from her manila folder and smiled at Meckenzy before tucking them under her arm.

"Miss Cheeks. It's nice to see you. Professor Tench is out today. He had been dealing with a nasty bout of the flu. Again. I gave him a call and he should back tomorrow." MJ gave the sweet lady a courteous smile and nod before leaving the building, feeling relieved she didn't have class and could focus on the party.

When 8 o'clock rolled around, MJ was taking a hot bath to unwind and sing along to her favorite songs at the moment. She also couldn't take her mind off of the one guy who took over her life.

Allen Iverson.

She was about five seconds from ditching the party to go fool around with Allen.

"No, Meckenzy. You told Overton that you were gonna show up. Don't diss him."

She reached over to the toilet to grab her phone and sighed out of frustration when she started dialing Overton's number.

"Ovie, I'm sorry. I can't make it tonight. I'll come to the next one, I promise."

"You lucky you the homie. It's cool, though. I won't hold it against you, lil sis."

"I love you, boy. Thank you for understanding!" She hung up with a smile and immediately called her man. Her man.

"My baby. I knew you were bout to call me."

"Boy, stop. I need to see you. Feel you. Hold you. I miss you." She started to pout as he laughed at her whining.

"I'll swing by in a few. And don't bother to put on any panties and pack an overnight bag. You stayin' with me tonight."

As soon as she hung up, she quickly got out of the tub and dried herself off before lathering her body up with his favorite vanilla scented lotion. She knew tonight was going to be special.

She decided to ditch clothes all together and just slip into the lingerie Allen gave to her as a gift, covering her self in a light pink satin robe with heels. They won't be needing clothes anyways.

She knew her dad wouldn't be home anytime soon, so she decided to lounge in the living room until she heard the doorbell. With a smile, Meckenzy tucked her hair behind her ears and walked quickly through the foyer to open the door. Once their eyes connected, she bit her bottom lip and kissed him gently before letting him pull her towards his truck.

"I can't wait to see what's under that gown. When I heard your voice over the phone, I'm not gon lie. I was hard as a rock." Her eyes went wide as she laughed, making him look at her with a playfully annoyed expression.

"Laugh it up now. The only noise you're making later on is screaming my motherfucking name."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2019 ⏰

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