old feelings

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Meckenzy-Jane couldn't believe she invited Allen to an appointment. She was super anxious and couldn't stop her hands from shaking.

She had been waiting for him for ten minutes and her appointment was set to begin in five minutes.

The fear of him not showing up was increasing by the minute.

He's probably gonna be late. That's it. He wouldn't leave me hanging.

"Wipe that sad look off your face." She looked up from the magazine in her hands and smiled when she saw Allen walking towards her.

"I didn't think you would make it. Traffic?" He sat down and kissed her cheek before nodding.

"Something like that. You feel alright?" Meckenzy nodded and placed her left hand on her stomach, making him do the same.

"I still can't believe you're pregnant. You look so beautiful. You're glowing." The smile on her face got bigger and she knew what he was doing. Unfortunately, it was working.

"Don't think you can just walk in here and sweet talk me. I'm still upset with you."

Meckenzy felt good about somewhat putting her foot down. "You got it, baby. I'll tell you this, though. That baby needs me. I want to be around. You can't keep me away from my child."

She raised her eyebrows in surprise as he stared into her eyes, making it known he was serious.

"I'll never keep our baby away from you. Never. My mother did that and I resented her. I wanted my father to be around. I want the same for this one. I want the baby to have a comfortable and easy life." He grabbed her hands and kissed them before smiling at her.

"And he's gonna have a easy life. I love y'all. You not about to go through this alone. I'm not gonna abandon him like my father did to me."

"He? You think we're having a boy, huh?" The two of them laughed, enjoying each others company for the first time in weeks.

She clearly missed him and God knows he missed her.

The soon-to-be parents sat in the doctor's office, waiting for the ultrasound to begin.

Meckenzy laid on the examination table with Allen holding her hand.

She was eager to see her little miracle.

"Fifteen weeks along?"

"Fifteen weeks along. Isn't that crazy?" She rubbed her stomach and sighed as her stomach started to rumble.

"If it's a boy, I want him named after me. Baby girl could be named after your favorite singers. We'll call her Faith Mary Iverson." He looked up at her with a hopeful expression and kissed her hand.

"I like that. That's alright with me." She smiled and looked up at the ceiling just as the doctor walked in.

"I finally get to meet dad. I'm Doctor Taurasi." Meckenzy nodded and laughed softly when Allen hugged her doctor.

"Thank you for taking care of my lady and my baby." Doctor Taurasi laughed as he hugged Allen back.

"She's a joy to have. Very healthy and already a concerned mother, which I understand. She's young and her body is trying to adjust to this change. She's doing a good job with resting and eating healthy. Right, mom?"

Meckenzy gave him a thumbs up as he started washing his hands.

"Are you excited about becoming a dad?"

"You have no idea. I have the nursery planned out and she's only fifteen weeks along." She couldn't believe how ready he was. It was making her fall for him all over again.

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