Thirty - "You can't friendzone me, we're married!"

Start from the beginning

"I just told everyone here the truth, that your friend is a faggot."

"And what if he was? What's so wrong with that? I thought you of all people would be okay with that considering how long these guys have had their heads up your ass."

"Get out of here bitch!"

"Make me bowers!" She shoved him once more, "What? Are you going to hit a girl? In front of all of these witnesses?"

"Your friend is a faggot and he's going to get what's coming to him."

That was the moment Lydia cracked and without a second thought she punched Henry in the face. A few seconds passed by before she realised what exactly she had done and when she did her eyes widened with fear.

"Fuck." She mumbled before bolting out of the arcade

"Get her!" Henry yelled whilst holding his bloody nose, Patrick was immediately on the girl's tail and before she knew what was happening she was sprinting down the street as fast as she had ever ran before, and all of a sudden Richie was running beside her.

"Lyds the fuck did you do?"

"Just keep running!"

"Thank you Lyds."

"It's okay Richie - now where's Eds?"
Richie only pointed upstairs before he collapsed in the armchair, all with a soft smile on his lips.

Dazedly, Lyds stumbled up the stairs, seemingly desperate to reach her husband once more. And finally when she was entering the doorway of their room, she saw him.

Covered in shit.

"The hell happened to you?" His eyes widened before he began examining her body for wounds, "You're bleeding! Oh my god, you're covered in it, I-"

"It's not my blood, it was the clown... What happened to you?"

"Oh." He mumbled softly, "The leper puked on me... A-Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

"I'm fine, I've just got a few scratches and another life times worth of trauma."

"Yeah me too." The Kaspbrak man bit his lip before he pulled his wife desperately into his arms, "I'm so glad you're okay... When I saw the blood, I remembered what happened to you in the sewers and I was worried that the same happened again and I-"

"It's okay. I'm fine, we're both fine, we just smell really bad." She chuckled, pulling him closer, "I'm glad you're okay baby."

"Don't ever leave me alone again okay?"

"Okay and Eds one more thing?"

"Anything?" He whispered into her tangled bloodied hair.

"No offence, I love you and everything- but you smell like shit." She held her nose, "You need a bath."

"Blood beats puke. You get a shower first and I'll meet you back in bed in an hour and then we can talk about this okay?"

For a moment Eddie found himself leaning in to kiss his wife's head but they both quickly took a step away from each other in disgust. A small part of Eddie would always be a germaphobe.

"Did you find your artefact?"

"I think so. Did you?"

"Yeah, I found a lot of other stuff too." The woman began to laugh and retrieved her bloodied satchel from the floor, "My dads favourite shirt, some news clippings, his old gun and some expired condoms."

"They're not-" Eddie tried but the love of his life cut him off with a laugh

"From when we were teenagers, yeah they are."

Lovers. // It (2017) // Eddie KaspbrakWhere stories live. Discover now