Utah, Where Silence Fall

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Bella, her husband and brother in law, and a few other death eaters watched in shock as a blue box appeared out of no where, the sound of wheezing and whistles of wind, terrible yet causing them to feel hope, stopped when the box became totally solid. When the box became solid for a few minutes, a woman poked her head out and studied them.
"Ah, yes. I assumed you would be here at this time. I accidentally landed in 1945 again. Then took a detour to 3023 before coming here. Well, not necessarily here. More like-" She turned around in excitement while calling back into the box- "Sherlock, leave Dean alone! Merlin, keep them in the TARDIS! Arthur, ignore Same. John, you are in charge till I get back!" She closed the door and started to walk leisurely away from the strange but amazing box. "I'll join you and lead you to them. Remember, no killing them. Let them face justice." Bella laughed at the Doctor.
"Finally changed into a female? How do you like it?" Bella smirked at the expression of thoughtfulness on the Doctor's face.
"I'm shorter and I can't reach the top shelves anymore. Anyways, let's go! Time's a wasting!" She lead them to the house by the beach of this strange lake.
"I remember this lake clearly. I died there. Well, not really but I did convince people I was finally dead. I obviously wasn't as I'm still here and all but it was an adventure for sure!" The death eaters stared at the eccentric anomaly of the Doctor in shock before remembering all the stories they had heard. All the terrible yet wonderful stories of this lonely god that wandered the cosmos.
This immortal time traveler has been said to have caused the rise and fall of many civilizations. This healer, whose face constantly changes has been rumored to have fought gods and made Demons run, stand against mighty armies that flee at his name. The Madman, the Destroyer of Worlds, the Trickster God, the Last Child Of Gallifrey, the Oncoming Storm, the Great Healer, the Doctor; all names that tend to follow in his wake. When the Doctor comes to call, you had better hope the Last Time Lord is on your side. Destruction followed this figure, who travelled all of time and possibly space.
This was the sequence of events that occurred in a few split seconds: the Death Eaters kicked the door down, Petunia screamed as she dropped the casserole dish, Dudley started crying over the dropped food, and Vernon had a gun pointed at the Doctor.
"If I were you, I'd put that away. You see, I'm not very fond of guns. I'm the Doctor. Just the Doctor. If you come peacefully, they will not your family. Put up a fight and you will be handed over to the Shadow Proclamation." The Doctor's voice was as cold and ice while burning with the heat of fiery rage. All of those cautionary tales never prepared anyone for the brunt of the Doctor's ire. Vernon gulped as the Doctor simply smiled. The sonic screwdriver whirled to life and caused the gun to fall apart. Vernon went pale at the strange wand, whatever he believed would work wonders. "I see that you will not stand down. Under section two sub paragraph 3458 A of the Shadow Proclamation, you are under arrest will be taken into custody about... now." As the Doctor finished stating the fact, the Dursleys were taken by a blue flash of light. Bella and the others watched as the Doctor ran back to the blue box talking about dragons and falls and hunters. The Doctor was gone just as suddenly as she was there.
"But we don't even have..."
"I am sure it will work out somehow." Bella sighed as she said that and they took the port key back to Slytherin's Keep, empty handed for the moment.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2019 ⏰

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