HSD - Chapter 1

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"I can't believe this! Great job Jennie! You are late for your first day of school! You'll make a very good first impression!" A raven-haired girl with feline eyes, muttered to herself as she dashed off to school.

Entering the hallway of the prestigious YG Academy, the raven-haired was not surprised to see the place deserted. After all, she was late, and the bell had rung a long time ago.

She was walking for ages. Everywhere she turned just led her to a new corridor where she had to make another turn. She was lost, she had no idea how to get to the office, and there was no one in sight to ask for directions. Suddenly, she saw a tall girl with pale silver hair coming out from one of the classrooms.

"Umm, excuse me! I'm new here and I think I'm lost. Can you please show me the way to the office?" Jennie asked.

She blushed slightly as she noticed how good looking the girl was. She had a pale complexion and was also lean yet toned as she glanced at those lanky arms. Her silky hair which was the color of the ashes, reached up to her long and slender neck, passing below her wide shoulders but not reaching the middle of her back.

As she looked up to meet her beautiful tantalizing brown eyes, she noticed that she was devoid of any expressions.

Momentarily locking eyes with her, the ashen haired girl only turned away, leaving her to stare in shock.

The tall girl had completely ignored her and walked away.

WHAT THE! Jennie was beyond pissed.

"WHAT A TOTAL JACKASS! WHO THE HELL DOES SHE THINK SHE IS? ARGH!" Jennie growled in frustration. She officially had just met the rudest girl in the universe.

Her bellows were obviously heard by the rude girl but she continued walking and pretended that nothing happened.

Just then, another girl came out of another class who then notices Jennie and her rage. Looking at the raging girl, she decided to take the risk and approach her.

"Hello. Can I help you?" the girl asked cautiously.

Snapping her head to the side, Jennie's anger suddenly vanished as a new set of emotions took over. Another pretty girl approached her but this time the said girl was so unlike the rude girl she had first encountered.

She was at least the same height as her, pale complexion with a face that can launch a thousand ship and is wearing a serene smile.

Jennie gaped at how pretty the girl is, leaving the other one looking at her confused.

"Uhm? Miss? Can I help you?" the girl asked again. Jennie blinked thrice just to get out from her trance.

"Y...Yes, please." Jennie said in embarrassment. "Can you show me the way to the office?"

The girl looked at Jennie's beat red face and laughed. "Sure. I'll take you there myself since it's on my way. You're new right? I'm Bae Joohyun by the way. But you can call me Irene."

"Yes. Thank you. I'm Jennifer Rubyjane Kim. 'Jennie' or 'Jen' for short." The raven-haired smiled back.

... ...

"Here's your schedule Miss Kim. Welcome to YG Academy, I hope you like it here," the administrator said warmly to Jennie. "And don't forget to hand in this slip of paper to all your teachers for them to sign. Bring it back to me and at the end of the day ok?" The woman was in her mid-forties and was very friendly.

Jennie liked her instantly.

Irene was waiting for Jennie outside the office after she had finished running her errand.

"Thanks for waiting for me Irene. You don't have to do that you know."

"No problem Jennie! I'm sure you will need help going to your next venue."

As Jennie handed her schedule for her newfound friend to see. Irene squealed in delight, "Oh my gosh Jennie! We have the same class now! Oh! We have many classes together! How wonderful!"

Jennie smiled back. She was glad that she had many classes with Irene. She was instantly fond of her newfound friend.

Upon entering the class, Jennie found herself in the center of all the attention. All the guys were gawking at her like she was the 'shiny new toy'. Jennie personally found it very annoying. She hated all the attention. After a torturous and painful history class with all the boys staring at her, it was now break time (thank god!) and Irene had invited Jennie to join her and her friends.

The two went directly to the schools' cafeteria and approached a group of girls not far from the entrance. Irene greeted them first before the group turned their attention to Jennie.

"Jennie, meet Rosé, Joy, Wendy and Seulgi," Irene introduced. "Everyone, meet Jennie."

"Hello Jennie!" Rosé and Joy said together.

"Whasup babe!" Seulgi said cheekily which earned her a smack from Wendy.

"Just ignore her," Wendy said.

It was after settling down when Jennie noticed her. The rude girl was sitting alone in the corner of the cafeteria. "Who the hell is she?" Jennie whispered to Irene as she pointed to the lonesome girl.

"Oh... that's Lisa Manoban. She's called the Ice Princess," Irene replied as everyone in the table agrees.

"I can see why! She's such a jerk! She totally ignored me when I asked her for directions!" Jennie scoffed.

"Yup, that's her. Cold and aloof. Many girls threw themselves at her though," Seulgi stated, chuckling as she munches on her food. "She rejected them all. She's always by herself. She doesn't seem to have many friends although she's the captain of the baseball team."

"That's some statement you got their Seul. Coming from you huh," Wendy chimed.

"What do you mean by that?" Seulgi frowned at her friend.

"You know... 'girls throwing themselves only to be rejected'? Sounds familiar to me," Wendy smirked at her mischievously. The rest of their friends giggled.

"Yah! Don't compare me to her! I had reasons for rejecting them," Seulgi murmured the last part as she took a side glance to the girl beside Jennie.

"Hmmm." The girls who knew what she was pertaining to, just hummed at her answer. The talk was now back at the Ice Princess again.

"If you ask me, those girls must be blind! She may be good looking, but she has zero personality," Jennie interjected, huffing in annoyance fo she is still pissed off at the rude girl.

"Jennie? What are you doing here?" All heads turned to another girl who just spoke.

Recognizing the voice, Jennie smirked to herself.

"Well I'm studying here of course," Jennie replied nonchalantly, staring at the puzzled girl standing in front of them.

"Wait, you two know each other?" Irene asked.

"Yea, she's my cousin," Jennie said matter-of-factly.

"WHAT?" Everyone shouted in unison.


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