Bradley couldn't lie though, on the inside she was panicking like hell. She wanted to help him with everything, but she knew that wouldn't help either of them. Instead she walked beside him as he used his crutches.

Arriving to the kitchen, Rashad flicked on the light and made his way to the fridge. Successfully, he opened it up and retrieved a bottle of water on his own. Bradley smiled in a proud manner. Rashad felt accomplished as he took a seat at the island enjoying the fruits of his labor, which happened to just be a simple bottle of water.

Bradley watched as he gulped down nearly the entire bottle of water. "I'm proud of you," She told him.

Rashad nodded taking in the praise. He opened his arms up, inviting her in for an embrace. Bradley stood in between his legs with her arms wrapped around his neck. He tilted his head up gesturing for a kiss which Bradley delivered. "You ready to go back up?" She smirked.

Rashad eyed her as if she were crazy. "Hell no, I'm about to sleep on the couch,"

Bradley laughed. "Rashad no your not, c'mon,"

Rashad shook his head. "I'm dead serious Brad, I'm too tired to even try,"

She gave him a hard stare to see if he was joking, but he seemed serious. "Alright, I'll go get some blankets, by the time I get back down here you better be on the couch,"She playfully scolded him with a waving finger.

"That ain't fair. You're like Usain Bolt compared to me right now," He complained.

Bradley waved him off as she began making her way back towards the stairs. To save him the hassle if he got thirsty again, Rashad took another from the fridge and tossed it to the living room. The bottle ended up banging against the coffee table with a loud thud.

Bradley went into an immediate state of panic as she fled down the stairs, her heart rate going a mile a minute. "Babe you okay?" She asked in a worrisome manner, instantly regretting this whole independent thing.

When she got to the first floor of their home she was relieved to see Rashad standing there, confused as to why she was in such an uproar. "Yeah, you okay?" He raised an amused brow as Bradley's tried her best to get her breathing to normal again.

She let out a hard sigh with a shake of her head. "I heard something and I just thought—you know what, never mind," She waved her silly worries away.

Rashad smiles lightly. "Baby, I'm good, quit stressing yourself," He assured her as he continued to make his way to the couch.

Bradley just nodded. Too disheveled in her worries to respond. She went back upstairs, retrieved the blankets and came back down. By then, Rashad was already in the couch trying to get comfortable. "Why you got two, we can't share," He smirked.

Bradley playfully rolled her eyes as she placed one of the blankets aside and used one to drape over her and Rashad. The laid opposite of each other. Usually, Bradley would find herself cuddled right on his chest as he held her tightly and securely, but she couldn't this time.

Sleep ridded their eyes so Bradley turned on the television and put on something they'll both would seem interested in. Bradley watched the movie more than Rashad did, since he couldn't seem to take his eyes off of her.

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