A bunch of application forms had begun piling up on my desk but with service and school work, I'd been neglecting them. I would have to ask Mom to help me sort through my options, what was left at least given this little scandal. My grades hadn't crashed, yet, so I probably still had a chance at a good school.

Or at least I had hoped.

I glanced at Clark as he narrowly avoided ramming into a streetlight. The guy never mentioned college, at least not in regard to himself. I knew a bunch of scouts were eyeing him out for baseball programs but he never talked about it, not even if he wanted to study out of town. I got a little worried at that, wondering if this might be my last year with Clark at my side if he decided to study across the country or something.

"I heard from a little birdy cough April cough that you were planning to be in the town play?" Clark asked, turning the corner and slipping back to my side, walking right way around.


"Since when were you a drama nerd? I distinctly remember the last time you stepped foot on stage, and not for an award, was in like the fifth grade. You played a pencil in the study smart awareness program."

"Shut up," I said, shoving his arm. "I signed up because the girl running the play promised it would help cut down the service hours somebody got me roped into."

Clark rolled his eyes, murmuring an apology and butting his head against my arm. We listed to the side a little, righting ourselves fast enough to avoid the trashcan cemented to the sidewalk.

As Dovers' entry came into view I shrugged in response, letting him know it was okay.

"Who's the girl?" Clark asked suddenly, ducking under the chain-linked between the parks front posts.

"What girl?"

"The girl who convinced you to sign up for the lame-ass play," He scoffed, crossing his arms. "She must've been hot for you to agree, hours or not."

I smirked, slipping under the chain and matching Clark's averting gaze. "You jealous, Clark?"

"Fuck off," he said, punching my arm, hard.

"Someone called Bella Danvers. Dyed red hair. Never seen her around school so she's probably older."

Clark's face ripped into something akin to recognition, smile suddenly cocky.

"Oh, I know who you're talking about. No worries, she's a little queer-voyant."


"Yeah, she went to Heights a couple years before us. Started the GSA group, had a huge queer-boner, Mitchell told me all about her," he explained and I spared a thought for Clark's brother. Mitchell had stayed in town after graduating, like Thomas, but dropped out a semester into college to work at the auto shop close to the town border.

"Doesn't mean she's gay herself," I reasoned, cutting down the path towards the main field where Tommo and the others most likely were.

"Doesn't mean she's straight either, so why waste the pursuit?"

"Who said I was pursuing her?" I said, throwing Clark a sassy grin.

He rolled his eyes, clipping the back of my head before pressing in close, linking his arms around my waist and resting his lips by my neck.

"Keep it in your pants lover boy," he whispered before running off. "Move your ass Bow-Bow, I plan on getting stoned sooner rather than later."

I stayed glued to the spot for a minute, trying to calm down my heart rate and the sweat dripping down my palms. When I thought I was somewhat decent, I followed after Clark, jog a little pained.

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