Peter's eyes moved from the raccoon and tree back to Allison, who had a trail of white ice continuing to shoot out of her palms. The beam created walls of ice no matter what way he turned, blocking off any exit he expected to find. His eyes widened, stunned as he glanced at Allison, the only opening being in her direction.

"Groot!" Allison shouted, forcing her eyes shut. The excessive use of her powers made Frost's eager to join in. She could feel the ice demon part of her trying to break through, Frost continuing to yell and scold her for 'not doing it right'.

Let me out, Allison. You're doing it wrong! This'd be so much easier if I had control!

Rocket yelled out in pain as the green skinned woman bit his hand. "Biting? That's not fair!"

Allison struggled to keep the good side of her in control as she continued to hold the wall of ice. She hated having to go into a battle like this everytime she used the abilities, but slowly she was learning how to keep the Ice Demom locked down, much to Frost's disgust.

Peter watched her with wide eyes, observing the clear traces of what looked to be pain upon her expression. He noticed a strand of her firery orange hair fade to a bleach white with her clear skin growing paler with each moment that flowed past.

He shook his head, snapping out of his trance and tearing his gaze away from the girl, bending down and scooping up the orb that had slipped from his grasp. The outlaw dug through his pockets and found a device similar to the one he used on the previous attacker a few minutes prior.

Watch out, Allison.

Due to the monotone voice of her counterpart, Allison had thought Frost was exaggeratin or trying to distract her. He didn't expect a bright red rope to wrap around he arms and torso, trapping them at her sides. Allison yelped in shock, squinting open an eye to see her ice walls collapsed into a flood of freezing water against the polish ground.

"Sorry!" Peter called out before began running again, his feet splashing loudly in the freezing water.

Asshole! We could've frozen him you know.

"And risk killing? No thanks. Too much money in this to take that risk," Allison answered Frost, struggling to shift her arms in the bounds.

Allison struggled in the retraints as beside to her, the first attacker broke free from Groot's branches. She gripped tightly onto Rocket and threw him off her, sending him flying into a small display case that smashed as Rocket made impact. Groot stared blankly at the situation surrounding him.

Allison shifted, continuing to struggle in the rope as the other woman snatched her dagger from the ground. She threw a hand out and took a moment to aim it before throwing it at Peter, who had made it a fair distance.

The blade soared through the air at a surprisingly rapid pace, landing in his arm and making Peter's grip loosen around the orb. The metal orb rolled out if his grasp as he clutched his now injured arm. The orb bounced across the cement and rolled under one of the safety fences, swiftly moving to the lower floor if the plaza.

Allison looked down at her hands, trying her best to manuver them so they were slightly in front of her, having an idea.

Oh... I know what you're thinking! Surprisingly... smart.

Now, with her hands next to each other, she shot two much smaller beams so they would collide together. She watched as the ice hardened quickly and offered her a temporary weapon, a sharp icicle.

She swiftly pulled it into her left hand and sliced it through the rope, which proved to be easier then she suspected. The bounds snapped as she forced the icicle up, freeing her from the restrictions. Beside her, the green skinned woman had pulled out a sword and swung it up to Groot, cutting through his arm before she took off again.

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