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"Lincoln, It's me, Lori! Don't you recognize me???"

"Not at all. And stop holding onto me, I don't like it when strangers do that to me."

Lori was completely baffled by this. She had found Lincoln, she KNEW it was him. White hair, cracked tooth, what she could barely make out as freckles, it HAD to be him. So why didn't he remember her? When she snapped out of her train of thought, she noticed him walking away and ran to him to keep up with him and hope him again.

"Lincoln! Lincoln Loud! How don't you remember me?! I'm your sister!"

"Look, I get it, you might have a brother in your family named Lincoln, who has white hair aswell, and you have me confused with him. Lemme set this straight, I'm Lincoln. I have no last name, and if I do, it wasnt worth a damn to me, otherwise I woulda remembered it. So sorry for the inconvenience, but stop following me."

Lincoln then proceeded to simply walk away once more, but when Lori tried to grab his shoulder again, he dodged her hand by stepping to the side and grabbed her arm and pulled her close, face to face.

"Perhaps you're hard at hearing. I said to stop following me, and before that, I said to stop touching me. I don't care who you may think you are in comupence with me, but if you thought you had control over me in  the slightest, allow me to tell you you didn't, and won't EVER control me. So when I say to leave me be..." his grip got righted as his pupils dilated and Lori was getting scared of what her brother had become "I mean to LEAVE ME BE!" His voice echoing through the city, and even more in Lori's subconscious.

He then walked away once more, this time with Lori not following, just standing there, tears falling down her cheeks, thinking of the day they lost him.

*Flashback time*

When the Louds woke up in the morning, they got up and did their normal routine same as always. Wake up, run to the bathroom, swear at yourself for being in whatever place in line to the bathroom you got, and then get dressed and go eat breakfast. Quite simple really, the only thing they had to do other than that was slide some cereal out for Lincoln, make sure the door was locked, then go on about with their days.

When they all got home from the places they had to be, such as school for the girls, and work for the parents, they all played around, sat down, then ate dinner. When done Rita opened the back door to take Lincoln's cereal bowl that had usually sat there empty and replace it with a plate for his dinner, but when she saw it was still full(with bugs in it now) and Lincoln nowhere to be found, she looked around the yard trying to find him, while making sure he didnt sneak into the house behind her(gee, how caring) she let out a shriek and the whole family rushed out to see why she had done so, maybe Lincoln attacked her? They had to make sure she was ok.

But when they got out there however, all they saw was a quivering mother holding her only son's bloody orange shirt while looking down at the ground where a huge pool of blood had lay undisturbed. It was enough to make a few of the sisters nauseous seeing that much blood, even Lisa looked unsettled seeing that much human blood.

Lynn sr. walked over to his wife and tried to comfort her, with her shaking and nearly bursting into tears on contact over the thought of what could have happened to her baby boy. She KNEW it was a bad idea to side with the whole bad luck thing, but seeing how her son could have been murdered and then had his body taken away reassured her on how bad of an idea it was. The sisters all feeling the same way, with Lynn getting hit the hardest with this. She k ew her little story on bad luck was her being a bad sport, she always had to have a reason for when things went wrong, it had to be someone else, never her. Lincoln even went along with it, but now he could be dead for all they know. His own blood painting practically 1/8 of their yard is enough evidence for such a claim.

They all said nothing that night after the incident, hoping they may find out what happened to their brother. They hoped for the news to cover it, they filed reports, anything they could do. But when days turned weeks, and weeks turned months with no answers, they were hit with the hard reality that he was gone. With Lynn feeling the worse over the years, and her knowing they all hated her. All she could do is hold on and keep hoping he may turn up one day, but her hope was dying by the day...


Lincoln didnt know what came over him then, it was like he knew the last person, but he didnt at all. And he never gets that mad. Ever since the day he welcomed Chaos I to his life, he hasn't felt much to anything emotion wise. So why is it this one person made him that mad, but he didnt just kill them? It didn't make sense. His body told him to just end her, but his mind on it's own told him he had to just walk away. It was confusing him to say the least. In fact, it lasted him 3 days to think it through, then lose his train of thought as soon as he got hit by a train when he crossed some tracks and stood there thinking for the third time that day.

A week later his mind started ringing when he passed a store with TVs on display in the window. They were all playing an ad for a company and he saw that Lori woman in it. Every screen had her face showing. Smiling like there was nothing wrong. But then she went on about knowing loss, due to her having lost her brother, ironically named Lincoln. This made Lincoln think again when the ad ended and started playing that one with the sad dogs and stuff needing to be adopted, and he walked away thinking again.

"...DO I know her..?"

{To be Continued}

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