Chapter 40: Sophia and Giovanni

Start from the beginning

"The nerve you have to invite me as your date but abandon me the whole night", I shoot back.

He holds out his hand but I refuse him mine. He wont get off so easy.

"I apologize Sophia, it was never my intention but there were matters that I had to attend to".

I smile, "Baby why are you bullshiting me?"

Turning back around, I walk to my seat so I could continue my meal.


Although In the inside, I was very much bothered.

I could feel Gio's stare burning holes at the back of my head but I couldn't care less. It was his turn to taste what I had tasted and I wanted to play with him a bit.

James leans in so close that he is breathing on my food. I slide my plate a bit away from him. He's lucky he didn't catch me in a bad mood. Right now I'm only annoyed.

"So how are you liking Italy Sophia?"

I smile genuinely, "I'm loving it! From the food, the music to the people".

James blushes taking the last part not the way I meant it.

Someone please, anyone, come get this man!

Pushing away from the table he offers me his hand, "Dance with me I beg".

I shake my head, "Oh I'm terrible at danci-"

"I don't care how well you dance, I just want a pretty girl in my arms for a minute".

I sigh and take his hand following him to the dance floor. It was the second song of the night so most people had come out to dance having finished their food.

James manages to make me laugh which I can appreciate but half way dancing with him I see Giovanni dancing with his sister.

It was adorable watching Giovanni dance with his little sister. It showed a bit more of his tender side. But even after the song ended he didn't come over to properly greet me.

James holds me tighter as I push him away.

"This is the last song, please", he begs.

I frown, "Let go of me James. I actually think I'm gonna go home. I'm not feeling well-".

He smirks, "He isn't going to come over to you so forget him Sophia. You look pathetic. Besides, I'm here, so wont you let loose for me darling?"

I slap his face hard, "I don't care and if you touch my ass one more time-"

His grip on my waist tightens and now we are so close his chest crushes my breast and his lips graze my ear.

"I cannot believe that you just fucking slapped me Sophia".

My breath quickens as fear creeps in, "Let me go!"

He grabs my jaw in a hard grip, "I will fuck you up Sophia!"

"I dare you".

We both turn around to see Giovanni with his gun pointed at James's back. Nearby people were staring and men were pulling their dates away from us.

James winces as Gio digs his gun into his back.

He whispers something into James ear making the blonde man go pale and finally leave the guards hot on his heel.

"Are you hurt? Let me see".

I blink away tears as Giovanni examines me for injuries.

Taking my hand he leads me to the empty bathroom.

"I know your angry at me for ignoring you. But I cannot explain to you why I did it. One day I will and you will understand but right now it won't make sense".

I throw his handkerchief back to him and take a piece of paper towel instead.

I'm tired of your excuses!

Giovanni sighs, "You look like an angel. This dress is shining and you have your hair done and everything. The song is almost done, don't end this night crying in a bathroom because of me".

He was right, going home would be a baby move and I would just lay in bed and cry myself to sleep. When will I ever be in Italy dancing in a beautiful dress again?

Taking a deep breath I follow him out but he stops me before we can pass the dance floor.

"The first dance was with the woman I first loved. The second with the woman I learned to love. Mio amore, would you do me the honor of dancing the last song I saved for the woman I fell in love with?"

As my heart does cartwheels and the jealous women burn holes in my head, I take Giovanni's hand and he leads me to the dance floor.

We are Cinderella and Prince Charming.


We are Sophia and Giovanni.

"A riot is the language of the unheard"- MLK

Yes all lives matter, but we cannot say all lives matter UNTIL we start to treat black lives like they matter. When you say, "All lives matter" you are lying because it's evident that black lives don't matter. What you are basically saying is "All lives matter, but black lives". So when black lives start to matter only then we can say ALL say, All lives matter.

Stay safe and be kind, my loves<3

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