Episode 1 - Jae Won High

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The maids finished dressing you up in your uniform. It's been a little over a week since you woke up in this new body yet you had the same exact name. 

The only difference seems to be your physical appearance. You now had (E/C) and (H/C) and your family also was richer in this world. 

No matter how many times you had searched up any theories to explain this--there was no one that could explain this phenomenon. 

It was starting to get eerie. 

Your best explanations came into two forms:

           1. You were in a parallel world and was thrust into this life because your other self actually died. 


           2. This is all a long running dream. 

"Miss? Ready for school?" Haneul was leaning against her door. He was dressed from head to toe and was awfully handsome in her standards. Riley wasn't at all bad either. "Miss? Down to the Earth!" 

"S...sorry. Let's go?" You ask them. 

Riley snorted, lifting your backpack and headed to the black sleek car. You weren't exactly sure you were even allowed to bring a car to school but Hanuel and Riley must have gotten permission somehow. 

Riley shut the door as soon as you got into the car. Hanuel was driving today and you erte quite thankful. Riley wasn't exactly the best driver. 

It's been a week since you became close with them. Literally, you had no choice since they basically watch you sleep. It was weird and creepy at first but you kind of learned to accept it.
You weren't just a heiress to big investments in South Korea but you were also the richest youth in Korea. You were basically a moving target for ransom. 

You also learned that the pair took turns watching to get some sleep sneaked in between. The car paused and Riley opened the door for you. You thanked the older boy who grunted. 

"Riles, what department are you going to be in?" You ask the red haired boy, following him into the building. Hanuel wasn't far behind. 


"Baking?" You smiled. "I never took you to be the baking type." 

Hanuel laughed, catching up with the duo. "He's not. He's just there for the girls." 

"What about you Haneul?" 

"Architecture. But don't worry, Miss. I'll still come around and check on you. Won't let you out of my sight." 

You grimace. That was made you feel uneasy but thankful at the same time. At least if you ever get into a fight, they would be able to help you. 

They paused at the fashion department, waiting for you to enter. You did and waved them off, promising to get lunch together. 

You entered the classroom and feel people's stares. They were all looking at you---

"She's the heiress, right?" 

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