"Oh, yeah. I can do that." 

An awkward silence fell between you and the head butler. 

"I mean, yes I need a bath and I would like to go shopping today." 

You needed some time to figure out what was happening. Perhaps shopping and being away from this whole situation would help you think. You don't remember having distant relatives. The last one had died three years ago and you had pinched yourself several times on your way home and it actually hurt. Alot.

"Miss (L/N), the bath is ready." Three maids were standing by the front of your bathroom and you blushed. 

"I can shower by myself..." 

One of the maids shook her head, "Miss, no need to be shy. We know you have been in a coma for while but let us help you get back to your routine." 

You didn't protest as they strip you out of your clothes and led you to a large bathtub with a table filled with a row of very expensive looking products. You relaxed under their touch, slowly dozing off as they worked on your hair and muscles. 

Your uncle had spoken with the doctors and they had said you didn't suffer from any trauma or extreme leftover injuries. As far as you could tell, you fell off of a tall building and somehow survived. They had said it was a miracle and your uncle agreed. 

Of course, you didn't believe that was all there was. You knew there was something more. No one would jump off without a reason and she must have had a reason to drop off a building.
You sighed. You couldn't trust anyone right now. No matter how nice they may act towards you. You had to figure this out. 

"Miss (L/N)?" You blinked your eyes, one of the maids was holding a bunch of towels in her arms. "Shall we get you changed into your clothes?" 

You slipped out of the bath tub, suddenly feeling uncomfortable at being fully nude in front of three girls but they didn't seem to care. They surrounded you and dried you as much as possible before helping you into your clothes. It was just a long black dress that hugged your figure. You actually did like it a lot. It was nice and the material seem to be very expensive.

One of the maids had tied your hair into a bun, slicking back the baby hair and spray perfume on you. 

They led you back to the bodyguards who had drove you all the way back to the house. They were going to drop you downtown and you were a bit nervous. The whole ride to your house wasn't familiar. In fact, nothing was familiar to you.

You groaned. Feeling an intense headache. This was just so, so weird. One of the bodyguard, Haneul, got out of the car and held the door open for you. 

"Please call us anytime, Miss." 

You nodded, thanking them for understanding you needed alone time. It was most likely they weren't going to leave you alone but were respectful enough to keep their distance.


It was nearing the end of your time when you finally finished shopping. You might have gotten carried away but apparently as soon as you stepped into the shop, everyone seem to recognize you. All insisted that they sent you whatever you wanted to your house. 

You had to call your bodyguard, who wasn't sleekly hidden away to ask for an explanation. 

Apparently, you pretty much own every shop. Well, it legally wasn't yours yet but once your aunts and uncles died, you were set to inherit all their companies and the investment they made.

You couldn't exactly find the right words to describe how you felt. It was like a whole new world had opened for you. Perhaps, this life was for the better. 

You were about to wave over your bodyguards until a crowd caught your attention. 

You sneaked through and found a boy getting beaten up by another boy. Everyone else seem to be mocking the smaller boy. You scowled, anger coiling in your stomach. This was so disgusting.
Not a single person in crowd was going to help the boy. And as much as you wanted to keep to yourself, the anger you felt was stronger. 

"Hey!" You screamed, stomping over, between the two boys. You could immediately see your bodyguards jump up into action. Hands going to their waist. "What are you doing to him?!"

The other boy clicked his tongue. About to pull you out of the way before Riley grabbed his hand, tightening his hold on the boy's wrist. 

"Miss, do I have permission to beat him up?" 

You gawked. "No! Are you okay?" You helped the poor boy up from the floor and glared at the the crowd. The boy trembled, pushing you off and running in the other direction. Hanuel caught you before you hit the pavement. 

"That was awfully rude. Do you want me to give him a good beating, Miss?" 

"Haneul, no!" You shook your head. "Can we please just go home?" 

Both bodyguards shrugged and escorted you back to the car. You were so exhausted. You closed your eyes. That boy was so rude. You just helped him out and he returns the favour by nearly pushing you down to the pavement. 


You bolted up. That was Daniel! The Daniel from the webtoon. 

You let out an exasperated sigh. You were seriously in a webtoon. And you surely must play an important part if you were some rich heiress. 

You were scared. You didn't want to get beaten up. You have never even been beaten up in your old body. You crossed your eyes, feeling your temple begin to throb. This was no good indeed.

The picture above doesn't belong to me. It belongs to the artist themselves.
The red haired one is Riley and the long haired one is Hanuel. The house underneath is your manor.

The Heiress (Lookism x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now