Chapter 11

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Damon Vasiliev's POV

"Bullshit!" I threw a punch at him and he didn't even fucking flinch. "You could've killed them but you didn't." I took the gun from his vest and pointed it directly at his head.

"He did, he let them go." Stannis said beside me, "Hooded was here, he asked for you, he wanted you, I told him we could kill him but he shut the doors. He is a coward Luka."

I turned to Gustavo and Dima, they were on the verge of laughing, their faces got a smile from me, fucking can't keep their faces straight. "Why are you smiling? What's so funny? The guy's a coward he let them go-"

"You're a rapist, a cheat and a thief. You stole from us Stannis." Elijah said, I cocked my brow at him, "Pizdoon! (Fucking liar) Don't listen to that coward Luka-"

"You talk to Hooded like you've known him for so long, Stannis. You took money from Nightfall, and you raped your daughter." Dima said, stood up and cracked his knuckles. "Is this true?" I turned to Elijah. "I asked if it's fucking true?"I turned the gun to his head.

"Yes. We saw her last night, still wincing from what this motherfucker did." he pointed Stannis who was cowering with fear, the high and mighty Stannis. "I- She deserved it. That girl had a foul mouth Luka."

"No, no no. Not fucking children, Stannis. That girl didn't deserve your small cock." I shook my head, fucking disgusted.

"Neither did his wife." Gustavo added, it made Dima chuckle a bit.

"You are now soft Luka, ever since you left-" I slapped him across the face, it made his bitch mouth stop. "There's a difference between being a monster and acting like one." I shot him in the shoulder. He fell on the floor fast, instead of wailing like a bitch he was, he was laughing. "I regret nothing Luka. Nothing."

I had enough, I shot him directly on his head. Stannis soon stopped breathing.

It's when I realized. No more. No more mercy.

"Tomorrow we fight."


The guards outside wasn't there when we got out, I thought something bad had happened, but they walk towards us like they were excused or some shit. "Why did you leave your post pizda? (Cunt)" Dima took the guard by his collar, they look scared. They should be.

"The girl said we were relieved, Luka, we didn't know."

I looked at him, my eyebrow cocked. "Girl?" I frowned. "Must be Doctor Ada, Luka." Gustavo said, before I could look at him, he pushed me past the guards. "Go to your room, we have a surprise for you." He winked at me. "If it's an escort I don't need her." I rolled my eyes.

I had to go blow off some steam, an escort would sometimes help, but I needed comfort. I needed my Missy.

When I got to her room she wasn't there. Where the fucking hell is she? I looked at the bathroom and she wasn't there either, she must be lost, that girl has no sense of direction whatsoever. I swear.

After almost half an hour looking, I still couldn't find her. "Dima!" I yelled, he was with a hooker flirting on my couch. "Luka, look at her boobs. They jiggle." He laughed like a 5 year old. "Sicko, you've seen Missy?'

"The cuchka derganaya? I haven't. (Crazy bitch)" I shook my head and went back upstairs. That bastard is high again. I said no weed in the house, Missy's here.

I went to my veranda to breathe some fresh air, and what do you know to my fucking surprise I saw Missy and Elijah sitting at the garden. Missy has her head on his shoulder, his hand was on her waist. That's my fucking comfort move. This shithead has his hand on my assistant. Only I get to do that.

I quickly went to the garden, pushing a few maids away when they try to make a move on me, I don't need gold diggers around, I need Missy.

"Why did he do it? Why did he kill that poor man?" I could hear Missy weep on his shoulder, she was crying. "He had a reason, kotyonok. (Kitten)" Elijah cooed, and caressed her shiny hair. "No, no, he's a fucking monster, Eli, and the sooner you realize that too, the better. He's a murderer." She pulled away and wiped her soft face.

My malysh, she's scared. "He's not a monster, Missy." He tried cupping her face but she pushed his hands away.

"Maybe I am." They both turned to me, Elijah was surprised, Missy's face was full of anger. It wasn't my sweet malysh, she had anger within her, and judgement in her eyes. The last person I want to get criticized by, is judging me without hearing my side.

"I quit." She said and started walking away. "You can't.'

That stopped her. "And why not? I quit Damon, you can't stop me from leaving."

"You have a contract Missy. I'll see to it you'll go to jail if you leave."

She shook her head rapidly and her tears started coming again. "I'd rather be in jail than here. You're a murderer, Damon! How do you expect me to stay when I'll be fucking scared for my life all the time!" I tried reaching for her but she flinched away, even my touch repulse her.

I had enough. "Bella."

She shot up, her face mortified. "You know?" She asked like it was the world's biggest secret.

I chuckled bitterly, I should've just tore the paper apart instead. "Of course I fucking know, you're not the only one with secrets."

"You see this guy right here?" I pulled Elijah by his neck, "he's my brigadier, my captain in charge." I ruffled his hair, he pulled free from me, and stood beside Missy. "What does that mean, Elijah? you're in this with him too?"

He couldn't look Missy in the eye, yeah if I go down I'm taking him with me. "He did my dirty work for years, and when I left he took over. Though he did a very shitty job at it." I shot him a look

"That doesn't justify what you do, you kill people!"

"I've killed once when I was only 15 year old, did I like it? no, did I have a choice? probably, but I would've been dead by now. I kill for money, for power, for sex."

She slapped me, again. She fucking slapped me.

"I hate you." She whispered and ran away.

She ran away. I didn't have the courage to run after her, she was mad. I was too, not at her, but at the world I live in. I hate my life ever since I was a kid. I was raised to be like this, not the prince charming she always dreamed of. I was a monster, I was the beast that had no fucking beauty because I couldn't tell her the truth.

I knew she wouldn't take it well, honestly who would. This world is so messed up, and I tried bringing home my comfort blanket hoping she'd ignore everything that was ugly in my real home, she saw the surface and ran.

I would too, if only I had a choice.

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