Chapter 6

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"Ms. De Vega?"

"Ms. De Vega?"


I was pulled back to reality when he cupped my face with his hands. I was day dreaming. The kiss wasn't real? "Let's go." He said, acting so broody all of the sudden. I realized why, Elijah has been calling me non stop. "What's his deal anyway, is he your boyfriend?" He close the door shut behind me, it gave a loud thud, making me jolt in surprise.

"No, he's my friend." I replied, taking all the folders on my desk. "You're going to bring all of that home?" He eyed all my stuff. "Don't I always?" I roll my eyes at him. "Fucking hell, give me that." He snatched all of the things on my hand including my bag.

"You don't have to, it's not like I don't always do that." He shot me a look, it completely shut me up. "That's the problem why do you always bring these home?" He fumbled through his vest, trying to take his keys from his suit. "Here let me help." I tried looking for the keys, accidentally touching his abs in the process. I turned beat red when he looked at me darkly.

"Stop that." I spat, "It's not here."

He pointed his pocket using his lips, bloody hell does he have to do that? "Try there dummy, I wasn't making a move on you." he said lazily. I frowned at him, "I'm not putting my hand there."

He laughed huskily, a very sexy tone escaping his lips, it was music to my ears. "Well it looks like you don't have a choice Ms. De Vega." He smirked.

I swear I look like a freshly picked tomato right now, I tried taking it as fast as possible but it was on the deeper part of his pocket. "Jesus, Mary and Joseph." I pulled the keys free, I rolled my eyes at him when he winked at me.

He was laughing huskily behind me, "how's the apartment anyway?" He turned, looking at me. I already moved out of Mrs. Henkins' apartment to a company suite. The bathroom was bigger than my room, and the room itself has a glass wall, I could see the outside if I wanted to.

Of course I wasn't the only one living there, Aviary also has a floor to herself too, and Damon owns the entire freaking building.

I shrugged, "It's okay, I guess." I went inside his passenger's seat, I still don't have any car, I commute every once in a while, specially if Elijah is out of town. He's my driver of sort.

Damon said they're still fixing my car, but I highly doubt that, he hates the car so much he probably threw away in a junk shop or something. "Okay?"

He started the car and went on the excessively long driveway. "I... I don't wear clothes when I sleep." I blurted, he grinned mischievously. "Save some for the third date babe." He winked at me.

Well two can play his game! "There's going to be a third date?" I smiled sweetly at him, he was caught off guard, he shifted his gaze away from me. My smile turned to triumph. "You can move anywhere you like, the building's big enough for the three of us."

"Yeah, I barely see you." I looked at the window outside. "I always work late Ms. De Vega." I laughed at what he said. "Bull. I do all the work in the office." I smiled at him, he smiled back "Yeah, you do."

"You should give me a raise, boss." I closed my eyes, I was sleepy, the aftermath of the work was getting to me. I should really have a sleep schedule. "What you do is only the surface of my business, Missy. I don't think you can handle knowing more."

I was too tired to process what he said, I just slapped his arm playfully and let the darkness consume me.

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