Chapter One-Change

Começar do início

"I'll send someone to get you, personally." He responds in a calm voice, but somehow it reaches me as if he were standing next to me. I nod and blink when he disappears with a loud snap. Huffing, I fall back onto my tiny bed and grab that letter. It's heavy and feels good in my hands. Like another chance. Like hope.

"Well, maybe I'll last more than two years at this one."

*          *          *          *          *

Two weeks later I'm sitting on my suitcase staring at the door for my retriever. The only things in my room is a bed, wardrobe, and little alarm clock all the kids get so they have no excuse if they miss meals. It's just past seven. Shouldn't my 'retriever' be here?  I'm nearly shocked out of my skin when a wrinkled woman with a thin line for a mouth swings the door open like a bat. She's in tartan robes and gold glasses frame her dark eyes. A big black hat sits atop her head and a tight bun sits on the back of her neck.

"Arell Ackley?" She asks and her voice makes me stand a bit straighter.

"'am," I add the ma'am because it makes me feel better to be proper even though I'm wearing ratty jeans and a dirty purple shirt. I pop off my suitcase and stand before her in my dirty glory. My skin and hair are clean at the very least.

"Oh, dear. Are those your only clothes?" She asks, looking a little frightened of me. Bitterness floods my mouth.

"Sorry, we foster kids don't normally wear ballgowns out to town." I snap, refusing to be looked down on by anyone. If I'm not mistaken, her mouth twitches at my words.

"No, I suppose not. Come along, we mustn't be late. I'm Professor McGonagall. I'll be one of your teachers at Hogwarts." She beckons and I follow her down the stairs as she speaks. She moves shockingly fast and I struggle to keep up with her, but I'm just as eager to leave this place as she is. We walk out into the sun and I take a deep breath of free air. Then, I notice McGonagall is already meters ahead of me. I'm quick to catch up with her and soon I'm catching the breeze off her skirts.

"What do you teach?" I ask, unable to satiate my curiosity. Her beady eyes look down at me before she looks back up and continues on her way.

"Transfiguration. I'm also head of Gryffindor house which is one of four at Hogwarts. Now, you tell me what materials you need from the list." She requests and I dig down in my pocket, pulling out the crumpled piece of paper with swirling green script on it. Her wrinkled mouth screws itself up at the pathetic piece of paper, but she nods once.

"Uh, I only need a couple of books and robes. Everything else I have." I tell her and she nods again, this time she seems pleased.

"Good, we only have to stop at two stores then." She tells me and I can tell she's holding something back. I don't have to wonder what for long. "Do you have a broom?" She adds, her eyes quickly looking at me before we take a sharp turn into a dead-end alley. That question brings a small smile to my face.

"Hell yes. Ma'am." I add ma'am sheepishly. "Before being expelled I was the best beater either schools had within a decade." I can't help but brag. There aren't a lot of things I can brag about. "In truth, that's probably why I lasted a second year at both schools." The corner of her mouth lifts as she finally stops us both at the end of the alley.

"I look forward to seeing you play. Now, we're going to apparate. Are you prepared?" She asks and I take her hand in response. My other hand clutches tightly to my suitcase as we suddenly disappear. Apparating has never been a pleasurable experience for me. It feels like going through a washing machine at twice the speed. Luckily it doesn't last long and when we pop out we're in Diagon Alley. The last two times I was here I had to shove and push my way through the crowd but with the professor the crowd parts like the Red Sea for Moses.

Third Time's the CharmOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora