[01; the hero]

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Yunho's foot thumped on the floor, ceramic white bowl, and metal chopsticks in hand as he impatiently stood there. His eyes were locked on the silver, instant rice cooker that sat happily on the counter. The damn machine was taking its sweet time as it cooked the rice at an agonizingly slow pace, almost as if it was trying to ridicule him.

If his father hadn't left for work so early, he could have probably woken up Yunho and his rice would have already been done by now. Seconds felt like hours for him and in the end, he couldn't be bothered to wait any longer. He was an impatient person by nature, easily annoyed when something took up too much of his time and there was no way in hell he would be late because of some stupid rice.

Yunho let out a soft sigh, setting the bowl on the counter before he made his way to the nearby bookcase that stood tall against the back wall of the kitchen. He grabbed the small and old, worn-out box that sat on the third shelf before peering inside. There resided a couple of ₩1000 and ₩5000 bills, untouched. Yunho silently debated on how much to take.

Ultimately, he ended up snatching only two ₩5000 bills, figuring it would be enough to buy something small from the convenience store. He shoved the bills into the pocket of his school uniform before he snatched his backpack off the floor and dashed out the front door.

Little did he know, his rice had just finished cooking.


He silently walked along the pavement, hands shoved into his pocket before coming to a halt. Yunho had taken the bus as it was on a route that took him close to his school but decided he would make a stop before walking the rest of the way to school.

He made his way over to the nearby convenience store. Yunho was about to make his way inside until somebody he felt a slight yank on his bag. He rolled his eyes, already knowing who it was, sighing before turning around to face none other than Seongwu.

The shorter boy gestured towards the alleyway on the left side of the store, where two other people stood. He saw nothing useful in arguing and complied with Seongwu, giving him a silent look of acknowledgment. He ended up making his way into the alleyway.

"Ah, Jeong, my lovely friend, how convenient we caught you here! You see, I left my wallet at home and I need money to buy something. You wouldn't happen to have any on you, hm?" Kang Daniel questioned in an obnoxious tone of voice as he cocked his head to the side, smirking slightly.

Yunho shook his head, replying bluntly. "No."

He wasn't in the mood for this shit. All he wanted to do was buy some food from the store and leave, but he had unfortunately come at the wrong time. It was as if he had a knack for being in the wrong place at the wrong moment. Yunho needed to work on that.

Daniel raised his eyebrow before letting out a taunting chuckle. "Pfft, you're such a bad liar, Jeong! You really should put more effort into that. Yah, guys, search this fucker."

In an instant, Seongwu yanked Yunho's black bag away from him, unzipping it and dumping out all of its contents onto the alleyway ground. It wasn't like there was much of anything inside anyways.

Yunho usually forgot everything, including his textbooks, at his house the majority of the time. His memory was complete shit, so he quickly stopped stressing over most things.

The other boy, Woojin, stuck his hands in Yunho's school uniform pocket. Yunho kept his blank, emotionless expression, though, on the inside, he was restraining the urge to beat the everlasting shit out of someone.

Feeling that there was nothing but lint and mere dust there, Woojin shoved his hands in the pockets of Yunho's pants before grabbing a bill out of them.

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