Ch 20: Team for Good

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Mao Mao’s POV
I open my eyes to see that I had fallen asleep on Badgerclops. He must have woken up
at some point since there was a blanket on us. I don’t care how late it is, I just want to stay here
for at least the rest of the day… Did the siren seriously just go off? God why?
“Mao Mao, Badgerclops, wake up! We get to fight a monster today!” Adorabat is as
energetic as before I went missing. Things really are starting to back to normal. Well, as normal
as possible.
“Okay, let’s go Badgerclops!”
“Ugh, okay.” I can’t help but snicker. I quickly grabbed Badgerclops hand and take him to
the aerocycle. Flying over to the town, we watched as a purple mist started to fill the streets.
“This has to be Oam.”
Oam’s POV
I quickly shift through alleyways, looking for anyone who wasn’t affected by the mist. It
had come out of nowhere. It’d be impossible for me to do this, so who did?
“OAM!” I turn to see Mao Mao, Badgerclops and Adorabat on their aerocycle.
“Oh god damn it.”
“What did you do!” Mao Mao jumped down with a torch in his hand, trying his best not to
breathe in the mist. His sword was already in his hand, raised and ready.
“Nothing, this is something even I couldn’t do.” Mao Mao lowered his sword.
“Then what’s happening?”
“I don’t know.” I wasn’t looking at the mist, leading to me not realizing it was right behind
“OAM!” Mao Mao quickly yanked me by the neck of my cape, pulling me away from the
mist. The sudden action choked me.
“What the hell Mao Mao?!”
“The mist was right behind you.”
“... Oh my god, why would it hurt me if I’m from the temple?”
“... Okay, didn’t think of that.” Oh god, why was I created by this idiot? Badgerclops and
Adorabat both decided to jump down, joining Mao Mao’s side.
“So, what is going on and how do we deal with it.
“1. Oam didn’t do this, 2. I don’t know.” Mao Mao nervously chuckled. Wait, why am I
smiling? Ugh, whatever.
“Since the mirrors only give off mist when their broken, we have to destroy the mirrors.”
“... We?” Mao Mao smirked at me, oh god he better not be thinki- “Are you a hero now?”
“Hey! It’s only so I don’t have the mist getting in my way. After this, it’s back to enemies”
Oh god, he better wipe that grin of his face before I slap him.
“Okay, okay,” Mao Mao sighed. “Let’s get this dealt with.”

(438 words)

Demonic Heroes Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora