Ch 5: New Findings

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The morning had finally come, and Badgerclops slowly opened his eyes, only to be met
with blinding light from the window.
‘Ugh, did I sleep on the couch?’ Badgerclops went to get up, stopping after noticing Mao Mao was there too. ‘... Maybe a few more minutes.” Badgerclops lightly placed a hand on Mao Mao’s head, smiling to himself.
“MAO MAO, BADGERCLOPS! TIME TO WAKE UP!” Both Badgerclops and Mao Mao fell off the couch, Mao Mao hitting his head.
“Adorabat, what’s the big deal?”
“I heard there was a monster out in town. A shapeshifting one.” Adorabat flewecstatically.
“Okay, let’s get this over with.” Mao Mao jumped to his feet, stretching.
“Oh, why were you sleeping on the couch together?” Badgerclops and Mao Mao looked at each other, both blushing.
“R-reasons.” Badgerclops quickly left the house, as did Mao Mao.
“... Okay?”

(142 words)

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