Fixing it(Part 13)

Start from the beginning

"Let's just go, help me up." I squinted as my eyes as the sun was shining in them. He laughed before bending down and wrapping his arms around me. Instead of helping me up I was being to carried. "Will!" I shrieked clutching onto his black shirt looking at the ground. 

He grinned as we walked out of the bushes with me in his arms. He made his way towards the guard to seem not suspicious. "Have a good day you two." 'Joe' smiled at us as he stepped past him. I smiled back and waved while he kept walking. "Told you." I laughed. he grinned wider as we grew closer to the tall stone wall. "Will I'm not climbing up that wall." I stated starting to squirm in his arms. I would fall and I didn't want that to happen again.

"Wrap your arms around my neck and get on my back." He told me stepping up to the tall beast of a wall. I let go of his neck and moved onto his back and he started the way up from the ground onto the stone. The holes between the blocks of cement were small, just cracks and there was a large chance we could fall and I really want to live. 

When we got to the top he stood straight and I slid off of his tall body. We stepped over to the tall pine tree that grew against the guard wall of the kingdom. I tried to look down and see how far up we are but then Will spoke up. "Don't do that, it'll scare you more than you already are." He explained pulling me closer to him. I mean I wasn't complaining about the closeness. He looked up and grabbed onto the rope conveniently there. 

He threw it out easily and grabbed it again as he started tying it around my leg. "Will, what in the world are you doing?" I asked as I watched him wrap it around and tie it off.

"This time I'm not going to be down there so I can't catch you if you fall. I'm making sure it doesn't happen." He said throwing the rest back down. "Alright slide on down." He held the rope above me watching as I started to inch my way down. When I got to the bottom I untied the rope and looked up waiting for him to come down. He started to climb his way down with a  small smile on his face. At the bottom he grabbed my hand and started to run off to who knows where. 

We arrived at the little cottage and around us was a picnic all planned out. "Woah." I breathed out looking around. There was a blanket laid out in the middle with a basket on it. A horse was eating grass beside the small house as if waiting. I turned to Will excitedly smiling wide. 

"Do you like it?" He asked, a blush formed across his face. 

"Like it? No." I told him looking around again before remaking eye contact with him. He was frowning a bit. "I love it." I smiled again pulling him to the picnic.  We laughed and talked about how everything has been, while we ate a variety of things that I know Will did not cook, because while eating he told me he wasn't good at making food. I learned so much about him and I bet he learned a lot about me as well.

"So time to get a little depressing. My parents died a few years ago when they tried to stop Arthur getting into the castle. My dad was a guard while my mom was a baker but she decided to stop by during my dads shift to give him some pastries and they both didn't make it." Will suddenly said casually. 

"Oh, uh...Will are you okay?" I asked placing my hand on his thigh(NOT NASTY) and he looked up to meet my eyes. He smiled but his eyes still showed pain. 

"'m fine. C'mon lets go horse riding." He stood up holding out his hand for me after wiping his palms on his pants. I hesitantly took his hand before following him to the brown horse waiting for us. He showed me how to get up before climbing on himself. "Alright, off we go." He looked at me and smiled before cracking the rein and our journey began. 

Will was sat behind me and he controlled how we went and where. After trailing through the woods for a while we came across a cliff with a beautiful view. "This is our final stop. After this I'm taking you back to the castle." Will spoke up, sliding off of the mule. He reached up and pulled me off and made sure I was steadied before walking off to the edge with me tailing behind him. 

He sat on the edge and when I went to sit beside him he moved me onto his lap. I turned so I was facing him, causing my legs to straddle his waist. His eyes went from my own, down to my lips. I realized what he was silently asking for and leaned into him. I closed my eyes and right as I was about to touch his lips with my own, a heard the sound of a string being pulled.

This is what the guy-- or I said would happen. I pushed him down onto the floor and my eyes went wide as a searing pain went through my arm. My mouth was wide open with a silent scream making its way out of me. Will sat up and looked to his right, my left, and two kids were there with annoyed faces. 

Will picked me off of him and ran after the two. I stared down at my arm and there was an arrow imbedded into me. Not one of those tricks with two pieces glued on, no it was inside of me. There was blood dripped down the two sides, a puddle reaching my legs as I was sitting on my knees. Will ran back into the clearing a scowl on his face. 

"King Arthur hired them to assassinate me if I was outside the walls. They didn't do too well. How did you know they were there?" He asked staring at his bow. Looking up he seen me with tears falling down my cheeks, clutching onto my arm. "Oh my god!" he yelled running to me, sliding onto his knees when he got close. "No no no no no. Liam your-your gonna be okay. Don't-Don't worry." 

"Will it hurts." I croaked out. 

"Okay I got you." He picked me up, tears falling from his eyes. He started to run towards the way we came, I stayed tucked into his chest. Everything in my left arm hurt. I could tell I would be trembling if Will wasn't holding me so tightly. He burst through the door to the red building, running to a closet door and inching his way inside, opening another door inside of it. There was so much blood on us. I squeezed my eyes shut wanting this to be over. 

As much as I wish this didn't happen, I'm glad Will isn't dead. "Britt! Graser! Somebody!" he yelled which got me to open my eyes. We were in an underground tunnel like area. Noises of animals and people were everywhere. That is until Will yelled and now all eyes were on us. 

"Will! How did it go my man?" Graser's voice rang out. "Oh no okay follow me. Lets get him into your room!" Graser ran off and I closed my eyes again not wanting to see the faces of everyone watching. "Shelby! Get the first aid kit!" Graser yelled out. 

"Someone get Britt for (NO NO WORD AHEAD) fucks sake!" Will yelled out running after Graser. I was laid out on a bed, footsteps going haywire besides me. Will was holding my hand, the one without an arrow above it. "How did this happen? Why would you do this to yourself?" He asked wiping my tears. 

"Someone came to my room, it was me I think. They told me they had a bit of time to make things right. Said you were going to be killed at the waterfall. I couldn't let that happen. I'm sorry." I whispered as I looked him in the eye. 

"Liam I'm gonna need to pull this out. Bite your shirt, this is gonna hurt." Shelby said gently touching the wooden arrow. I nodded and pulled my shirt up and over my head, after having Will rip the sleeve off of course. I shoved it into my mouth and nodded  signaling her to go ahead. Another girl came into the room and looked at me in shock. Shelby pulled all of the feathers off of the arrow and looked at me pitifully before yanking the arrow out. I screamed on the top of my lungs, that being the most painful thing I've ever felt. 

I looked down to see my arm with a gaping hole in it, blood flowing freely from it. Everyone ran around trying to get the bleeding to stop and get ready. Will was crying and trying to talk soothing things to me. "Oh Liam you shouldn't have done that for me." He sighed. My eyes got really heavy and I smiled at Will. "No, No, No, keep your eyes open. Don't leave me Liam!" he yelled but my eyes were already shut, and it was already quiet.

There we go I finally posted. Its a long post too so I'm sorry for being gone for so long

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