Chapter 7 - We Are Just Friends.

Start from the beginning

I wonder what else is cute about him.

Whoa! where did that thought come from?

"Oh, so that smile melts your heart too!" I rolled my eyes on his comment.

He didn't really have to say 'your heart too'. Jerk

"Let's go," he said and was going to hold my hand but I was quick enough to notice that and before he could take my hand, I shoved it in my pocket.

I could see that he was a little disappointed. Well I can't really help it, alright?

Just today morning he was shoving his tongue down Kacy's throat like there was no tomorrow and now he wants to hold my hand. God knows where else that hand has been. It might be something small for him but for me holding hands with strangers was off limit. Well, not exactly strangers but I have never talked to him before except for our little conversation in the hallway.

We entered the canteen together and I could feel everyone's eyes on me. This was probably the first time everyone was looking at me. They looked t me as though I had grown two extra heads.

I noticed Evan from the corner of my eyes. He had this unreadable expression on his face as if he was disappointed.

Key word: As if. I am not very good at reading expressions so never mind. The look on his face made me frown as I wondered what is wrong with him.

Moving on, I could feel every girls' eyes on me- sending daggers through their eyes in my direction.

I swear, if looks could kill, I would have been dead long ago. I let out a sigh as I realized there is no turning back what so ever. At least not when I am dealing with a certain punk ass.

Dave and I went to the counter and took our trays. He filled his tray of food with a variety of dishes while I took only a few vegetables.

Don't get me wrong. I was not a girl who used to diet. But since my stepfather started providing me with less food, my appetite decreased.

I was searching for a table in corners where no one would listen to us but all of them were occupied. Of course, the table at the center was empty.

It was like Dave had his table reserved already. He never threatened anyone for it but people just never bothered sitting there as they knew it's for the bad boy. His face had a stern look. As we passed the tables, his jaw appeared to be clenched until we reached our table.

The girls never bothered to give him any personal space. Neither did he care.

Not that was I complaining. I am going to be here only for two weeks.

Then over to those certain mean girls which he has a liking for.

Many flings of his passed by and waved at him and called him by his name but he just continued to sip his coffee and eat the cheese sandwich.

"That's rude." I said as I frowned on his behavior.

He just shrugged. We sat there in silence. Absolute silence.

I swear I have never felt so awkward.

I started eating and when I looked up I saw Dave had already finished his sandwich. Guess what he was doing now.

He was just sitting there staring at me and grinning as if something is there on my face.

He was just sitting there staring at me and grinning as if something is there on my face

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"Is there something on my face?"

"No." he said as I shoved a piece of veggie in my mouth.

"Don't you know it is rude to stare at someone?" I said with my mouth full.

Then he mumbled something under his breath which I couldn't quite decipher but left it anyways.

After a while he started asking me questions. Irrelevant questions to be precise.

Now do you get it? This is why I don't talk to anybody. They ask me questions which I don't want to answer at all or should I say, I don't have the answers to.

"Why do you eat so less? Damn!" he asked.

"I eat according to my appetite. Why should I be stuffing myself?" I probably have the capability of eating 5 chicken burgers but if he sees that I am gaining weight, he will starve me for many days. Eating less is better than not eating at all.

"Well, as you wish but you should eat a healthy diet or you will fall sick." He looked worried and for some reason I felt happy that there is someone in this world who is worried about me.

I shrugged. I was not willing to take this conversation any further. The more questions he asks, the more difficult it will be for me to lie.

"Do you have any siblings? " he asked out of the blue.

"Why do you ask?" was he taking interest in me?

"I just want to know you. The whole point of this deal is to get to know you."

"Said who?"



"Just now."

I raised my eyebrows as if suspicious of his intentions.

What were the chances of him being a stalker?

He realized that I was not taking his question quite well. He immediately raised both his hands in surrender and said,

"No! I am not a stalker. Look, I just want us to become friends. If you want, I can tell you about myself. That is, if you want to know about me."

This was the first time someone, a boy, wanted to be my friend. He was willing to open up to me. All my life, people used me. That is why I just cut them off from my life but today someone was taking genuine interest in me.

He is a playboy. Accepted.

But it wouldn't harm being friends with a playboy.

Would it?

We can be just friends.






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Random question: Introvert or extrovert?

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