Chapter Eight: The dream again

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"And I'm Katelyn," Katelyn said, "and you are?"

"Erik Destler," I said.

"Oh, so you're Erik," Katelyn said.

"Yes, I am Erik," I said a little confused.

"What's with the Phantom mask?" Katelyn asked.

"Because I am the Phantom," I said hoping they would believe me.

"If you are the Phantom then show us your Masquerade costume." (Y/N) told me.

I stood up from my organ and when to my room making sure I was quiet so I didn't wake Addie up. I quickly looked through my wardrobe until I found my old Masquerade costume and showed it to the girls the best I could.

"That's enough evidence for me" (Y/N) said but Katelyn was still unconvinced

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"That's enough evidence for me" (Y/N) said but Katelyn was still unconvinced.

"Show me the swan bed," Katelyn told me.

Once again I tried to show the swan bed the best I could but ended up showing Addie sleeping in the bed.

"IS THAT ADDIE!?" Katelyn asked while shouting.

"Not so loud Katelyn, she's asleep" I whispered before looking at Addie to make sure she didn't wake up which, thankfully, she didn't.

"Sorry" she whispered back.

"Honestly Katelyn, you need to stop shouting and almost go on killing sprees when someone talks to your Sempi." (Y/N) told Katelyn while I went back to my organ.

"You'd go on a killing spree because someone talked to some boy you like?" I asked.

"HE IS NOT 'SOME BOY'! He is cute and hot plus everyone in school knows him" Katelyn said Fan-girling. (Addie told me how girls nowadays will fan-girl over famous people or characters they like.)

"Sorry Katelyn but I have to do this," (Y/N) said smiling, "All the hot guys are either talking or gay."

"I AM RIGHT HERE!" they both shouted making their voices a little deeper.

They started laughing while I gave them a look saying 'what in the world?'

"Sorry Erik, you probably don't know about vine" (Y/N) said still laughing a little.

"No, I've never heard of vine," I said.

"Vine is basically the app that people made five-second jokes that were actually funny but now has taken over Vine" Katelyn explained.

"I was looking on before you called but I didn't understand what was going on because the was no sound," I said.

"Addie probably turned the volume off," (Y/N) said, "if you look on the side of the phone there should be a long button. Press the top of that button to turn the volume up and if it's too loud then press the bottom of that button and the volume will go down."

"I'll try to keep that in mind," I said, "also, what thing should I go on to kind of catch up with today's society?"

"YouTube is probably your best bet" Katelyn suggested.

"Okay, thank you," I said smiling.

"You're welcome," they said at the same time.

"Anything else you'd like to ask us?" (Y/N) asked.

"I would like to both tell and ask you two something," I said.

"Yeah?" They asked.

"Well first of all, myself and Addie are in love," I told them.

"HA HA YES! I knew you two would get together sooner or later" Katelyn said smiling proudly.

"And for my question, what is Addie's past with Milo?" I asked.

Their smiles faded when I asked that. They looked at each other before looking back at me. They then told me how Milo was overprotective of Addie and how he wouldn't allow her to talk to her friends, bad enough other people, relatives apart from her mum or other boys. I became even more enraged when they told me he would sometimes even verbally abuse Addie. When she eventually left him, he would try to get her back with flowers and chocolate promising he'd change. He eventually gave up after being rejected over and over again but they think he hasn't truly given up.

"Now I understand why Addie is so scared of him," I said after they finished telling me about Milo.

"Better keep her away from him at all times," Katelyn said.

"I'll do what I can" I promised the girls.

"Anyway, we got to go and pack. Tell Addie we are coming to Paris to visit and we are bringing a surprise with us" (Y/N) said with a wide smile, "mind if we hang with you while we're there?"

"Of course, when you arrive, stand outside the Opera Populair and I'll help you sneak in," I told them.

"Will do, bye," they said.

"Bye," I said as the call ended.

(I need a break. Also, there is a possibility I'll only be updating on Saturdays or Sundays. I will update during the week if I can. See you next chapter)

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